Chapter 10: Yes, I remember her.

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Jason's POV

That's it, I was here, in a deserted place with Moon. Yes, I remember her, every bit of her. On the day of the incident after the crash, I heard it, I heard it all.


"Everything's fine, the help will be here in no time, and I am here to protect you." She assured me as I tried to process the things around me. I held her hand because I didn't want to lose her, but instead, she squeezed my hand, assuring me. "Breathe." And she pulled herself out of the car, but I couldn't say anything, I was in shock. She was so brave like she knew what she was doing and helped me out and put me against the wall.

"Why are you trying so hard to protect him?" I heard a voice say, my head was paining my body hurt.

"Because you are doing the opposite." Moon's voice reached my ears. "Back off, Kourtney, I warned you." Kourtney, did she say Kourtney? I looked up at them.

Kourtney pulled a gun out of her pockets as Moon covered me from her, why is she shielding me?

"You won't do anything silly," Moon said.

"You think that you can protect that pathetic soul? Do you think I will leave you undead? Quit it." Kourtney laughed.

"Hang in there, Jason. It will take only five minutes to finish this matter." Moon's voice reached my ears as I heard a bang followed by dust, rising from the ground. Kourtney was dead, and Moon had killed her.

"Not so easy there." It was Seb.

"Seb? Zach?" Moon called out as I looked up at the people I called friends. "Rats!" That was the last thing I heard as white dots covered my vision.


It was heartbreaking to see someone whom I called a friend be the one who stabbed in your back. When I woke up, I met Caden he told me his part of the story when Rose walked away without an explanation and hadn't returned, the apartment where they lived, was locked when he checked on her as if both the girls escaped the earth. I talked to my mom and dad he informed me that they put them as my undercover bodyguards because dad had many enemies who wanted to kill me just like Ceci and he didn't want to lose me like her. I was angry at first, but it was his precaution.

I liked Moon a lot, but it was all an act for her to put on around me, and my friends, maybe Rose also acted that way for Caden, and she never loved him as he did, yes Caden loved her. He was head over heels for her, but they disappeared without an explanation. It was all an act. When Moon visited the hospital, I was surprised but acted as if I was sleeping.


"It's my last visit, Jason, I wish I could be with you always, but I have a job to do." There was a pain in Moon's voice, and I felt suddenly cold when she stood up.

"Jason?" She called me.

"Hm." It was barely a whisper as I opened my eyes.

"Hey, buddy?" She sat down.

"Who are you?" I asked, testing her.

"Huh?" She looked taken aback.

"Where is Mom, Dad, Caden, and my girlfriend, Kourtney?" I looked everywhere as if I didn't know her. "And who are you?"

"Jason, you don't remember me?"

I avoided her question. "Where is Mom? Get out of here, who are you?" I tried to look angry.

"Oh yeah, I think I visited the wrong patient, his name's also Jason. I am sorry, I am leaving." She gave me the lamest excuse as she wiped her chin and exited the room.

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