Internally Murdering Me

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I don't know what to do anymore. Something's eating away at me, and I don't know what. I had the chance to ask for help, and I didn't. By not facing myself, I'm only hurting myself. This

time it's me leaving myself bleeding out on the concrete in the cold. Withering away silently screaming for help. I'd rather have someone find me dying than tell someone I'm dying. Everything is

falling apart in front of me, and I'm too afraid to ask for help. Too afraid of myself. Anxiety whispers in my ear, making sure I don't lift a finger. Keeping me on the ground. Keeping me from

healing, slowly killing me. My demons come back to haunt me to kick my corpse like it's a dying horse. I'm waiting for the day where I can make the last attempt to save myself. I'm betting on it,

hoping that it will work, hoping that it will save me. I've wasted all my life lines, and now my life might be gone. Things feel so great on the outside. Everything is going my way while on the

inside, I'm crawling a battlefield fighting for my life. I'm trapped like a ghost in a mirror banging on the glass, crying out for help while the reflection shows that there's nothing wrong. Look into my

eyes. Look into my soul, see me crying for help on the inside, and hear my cries from the outside. Free me from this prison once more. End the cycle of abuse. Stop me from torturing and

tormenting me. I can feel the sun setting on me.

The Dark Ages Vol.3 The End Is Near? [Formerly "Blaring Thoughts"]Where stories live. Discover now