We Will Rise Up

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Suffocate me, drown me, I'll always come back dead or alive stronger, weaker, and writhing in pain. Take your hands and grab my neck. Do all you can to put out the light. Either way, it's only

going to come back brighter and hotter. It seems like you haven't figured it out, and you never will. The more you put me down and the more I suffer, the more pain only gives me power. Your torture keeps

me alive and kicking because when you are in so much pain, the only thing you can do is learn to deal with it and find some way to return it. Eventually, you'll see that all the pain you inflicted on me

will grow into the tallest tree you've ever seen, and you'll fear the acorns that fall from me as they head staright for your dense skulls, making you realize the mistake you made. One day, you'll see

when you wake up in a world made to fit everyone, it'll be your own personal hell. Everyone like me will roam free wearing their colors freely while you hide behind your crosses and call it

blasphemy. Soon, you will see that the world is no longer yours and that there is no such thing as sin, only normal people and small mistakes. When the time comes, I will expose you for the

filthy beast that you really are and prove to people that your hate for us was just a distraction to stop people from seeing your atrocities.

The Dark Ages Vol.3 The End Is Near? [Formerly "Blaring Thoughts"]Where stories live. Discover now