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Life and death. Future and past. Are the only things one can think about when  stuck in the limbo. How much have you enjoyed in life? How much have you lost? What are the things you wish you

still have, but can't ever get back? What does the future entail? What will happen when it all ends? If I close my eyes as the water falls, I can see where my world starts and when it will end. It's all an

exaggeration, but I still believe it. As long as you're under the water, reality can be whatever you make of it. Before I get a glimpse of the future, I get a painful yet pleasant trip to the past that

makes me yearn for it once again. Nostalgia is a strange thing. It's like being homesick for a home that no longer exists. You wish you could return to a better place in time where

everything felt right. home. You want to go home, execpt, it's nowhere to be found. That moment in time will stand still forever in your heart but will have been forgotten by the sands of time.

Time waits for no one. It always tries to tell us to be grateful for what we have right now, but we never listen and appreciate it when it's already too late. The moment is gone. Time has

moved on. We spend our lives looking for those moments, begging for them, wishing we had them back, punishing ourselves for not living in the moment and taking it all in. It's a sad cycle we

live in, for the past is wonderful, just as it is painful.

The Dark Ages Vol.3 The End Is Near? [Formerly "Blaring Thoughts"]Where stories live. Discover now