An Intrusion of Thoughts

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Untruthful things run amuck in my mind, dragging me through the darkest alleyways and the darkest of corners trying to snuff out the light that's keeping sane. Insanity runs rampant a

mong the dark spots of my brain that try to eat away at me every day like a cancer. I try to stay sane and see through the illusions they cast, but sometimes logic is a grain of rice in a sea

of sand. They lie and lie, trying to find a way inside to get under your skin so they can win. Though I know I'll never let them win its horrifying to see them try. Their lies are so real and eyes so

trusting that any feeblemined person would not hesitate to let them in. No matter how many times I lock the door, they always find their way inside. It's terrifying to see the power my demons

have over me. When they start to talk, their words spread like wildfire incinerating every logical thought. Like gazelles trying to run from a lion, they still get caught, hunted down, and

ripped apart. The war that rages inside my mind is so intense that sometimes it feels like a balloon about to pop. Both sides of my mind, truth and lie, pull me apart as they fight to keep their side. I'm

scared, terrified, of what will become of me. I know they won't win, they can't, because they're just illuisons and logic breaks the illusion, but lately, the illusion is breaking the logic, and I can't

fight it. everything is starting to feel tight, like the walls are closing in on me. I'm running out of time, solutions, and sanity. I need a knight to slay my dragons and hero to keep the peace.

The Dark Ages Vol.3 The End Is Near? [Formerly "Blaring Thoughts"]Where stories live. Discover now