Gambling My Luck Away Hoping it Will Pay

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I've wasted my luck gambling. Now I must wait for luck to come. I gambled last year this year, I betted on this week last week, and now today I'm betting on tomorrow. Tomorrow seems

Promising, but that's how everything always seems. I've lost every bet I've placed and gambled all my luck away. Now I have debt to pay. I'm a fool to keep gambling my luck away, but it's the

only way to keep the demons away. I've already placed a bet for next month and the one after that. This is my final bet, the bet that stops me from gambling my life away. If I lose that bet, too, I will be certainly

screwed. For the demons will not be pleased if they are not free. For they were forced to haunt me until I paid their fee. Now you see, I must keep gambling to pay their fee to let them leave to set

me free. Until I win one lucky day, all I can do is sit and wait. Sit in the emptiness that fills me. Maybe gambling my luck away is not as bad as I say, for it's the only thing that might one

day take the pain away.

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