Behind Dark Eyes

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Behind these tired eyes lies a broken soul. Broken down by life. Between the boiling tar pits and acid green blood, lies a heart that still beats to the sound of love. No matter how hot the tar gets

or how hard the world strikes it. It still beats love. It gives and it gives and it never stops giving even when it gets nothing in return. Just because the heart is strong doesn't mean it's not in pain.

when no one is listening and everyone is asleep, it cries out in agony, begging for help. It knows no one will listen. But it still tries. It can face everything on its own because it's always been alone

but every now and then, it needs someone to share the pain with. Someone to bring joy and life when things start to look up. Someone to lift it up and carry it when it needs. A friend is

someone who can do all those things. A real friend, not the ones that watch you burn and make you suffer. Even though it's fun being alone, at the end of the day, no one should have to be completely

alone. No one should have to do it all on their own.

The Dark Ages Vol.3 The End Is Near? [Formerly "Blaring Thoughts"]Where stories live. Discover now