Decaying Once More

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As the shadows make their way into my skin, I can feel myself start to slowly decay. The deeper they go, the more my skin rots. The pain is unbearable, my skin is itching, and the burning is

tempting me, calling to me, begging for me, wanting to me rip it. I scream out in agony because all I can do is let it happen because if I interfere, I know I'll hate myself more than I already do.

I swore to Death that day that I would follow his rules so I could have his unconditional love, and I dont want to break our special bond. But, my skin, it calls to me, making me face it, knowing

that my hatered for it will make me hurt it. As I restrain myself, the pain only gets worse, and the hate inside me starts to burn. Im trying to keep myself together, but Im falling apart. My skin is now

crumbling on its own, and all I can do is wait for the process to be over, wait for me to decay, watch me decompose, and watch as I become a shell of myself. Fading into the darkness that consumes

me, I try to grab onto the last bit of light I have left, trying to keep my spirit alive. Im grabbing onto what's left of my life as I fall apart right before my own eyes. The demons sent their shadows to

consume me, and now they're here to laugh and torture me at my lowest. I tried so hard to keep myself together, but today the darkness won, my demons have claimed me prisoner, and now I

I have to find the will to escape once more, I have to find my will to live once more.

The Dark Ages Vol.3 The End Is Near? [Formerly "Blaring Thoughts"]Where stories live. Discover now