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Im Frankenstien, a freak. No one wants to look at me. But when they do, they just see what they want to. I'm hybrid, some mad science expirement. Frowned upon by most, for defying the laws of

biology. I'm always the one left out, the one picked last, the scraps, the pieces, the leftovers, the chopped liver. A shame to society that should be condemned, buried deep in a basement left to rot.

To the world, I and my kind are seen as a disgusting mistake that deserves to be erased. It's not fair. Just because we're different doesn't mean we're not human. At the end of the day, we still bleed,

speak, and feel pain. Every day, we are subjected to the cruel lessons of a world that tries to strip us of our identity and indoctrinate us into their dictator-like black and white world

where everyone is forced to be the same by the cis white men in labs and religious lunatics that are willing to slaughter innocent people because of a book. The rich men at the top profit off

of us and the hate that surrounds us because they want to be the next leader to try and "fix" the country. People are always afraid of something new and different becuase its not what their used

to, so we become the monsters they fear. It is because of ignorance that I and many others are forced to live their lives in suffering and pain. Hideous creatures that just want to be treated the same.

The Dark Ages Vol.3 The End Is Near? [Formerly "Blaring Thoughts"]Where stories live. Discover now