Playtime, Kids.

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Living every day in indescribable pain, making my way through this hellscape trying to find the way out. My soul is tortured and tormented, my skin is ripped and bleeding, and my bones are

cracked and breaking. I don't know how I'm still alive. I should've died a long time ago. All I know is pain and mistust, I wish I knew love. All I can hear are my
screams and no one elses. They aren't

screaming pain, they think it's all some silly game. They laugh as they stab and betray one another because they think it's a hilarious joke. Then they expect you to get up and act like nothing ever

happened because if you don't, you're weak. No one likes a toy that breaks easily. They like the ones that can be thrown around like rag dolls and remain unscathed. They think friends are for

berating and abusing mercilessly. When you're all worn out and done, when they've finished having their fun, they'll leave you for dead. Helplessy bleeding out on the ground with no one to nurse

you back to health. When you're done fighting for your life, as if the beating wasn't enough, they'll come back for seconds and judge you until you finally crack, losing all sense of reality.

The Dark Ages Vol.3 The End Is Near? [Formerly "Blaring Thoughts"]Where stories live. Discover now