Past in the Present (Will)

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AN: I decided I needed to give Will more depth as a character. I gave him a past. Hope that's okay. Sorry in advance for feels.

"And I just need you to know how I feel about you, because I have to trust this world that it will save me because are my salvation. I..lo-"

But he never finished his sentence, because Will had pulled him into a deep kiss. Nico stiffened in surprise but then melted into Will's arms like he'd dreamed of doing. His arms came up to Will's hair, curling his fingers into the golden locks and pulling his Sunshine closer.

Finally, excruciatingly, they pulled away, both gasping for air as the last bit of Sun slipped under the horizon.


Will stared at Nico, and he knew that his eyes were as wide as dinner plates and his cheeks felt like they were glowing. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He knew that it was he who initiated the kiss, and really he should say something, but he could barley breathe-much less talk about his feelings.

It was Nico who finally broke the silence. "So...I take it you like me too." The tension snapped, and Will doubled over laughing.

"Understatement," was all Will could say.

Nico laughed and grabbed Will's arm, pulling him towards the Big House."Come with me. We need to tell Chiron about how we're going on the quest together."

"I'd follow you anywhere, di Angelo." Will smiled to himself. "I'm your salvation after all."

"Shut up Solace. I poured my heart out in that stupid speech."

"It wasn't stupid! It was lovely!"

Nico just tightened his grip on Will's arm and marched him towards the House, but Will detected a tell-tale sparkle in Nico's eyes, barely visible in the fading light.

Mr. D and Chiron were playing pinochle when they walked through the door. Will assumed it was a ritual after all the campers went to bed. Chiron was winning. Mr.D was grumbling into his Diet Coke with such force that it was almost spilling onto his blue and orange colored hibiscus shirt. No one but Will noticed the terrified satyr feeding snausages to Seymour.

Nico cleared his throat and stepped forward, while Will chose to hang back awkwardly. He wasn't fond of Mr. D, and he looked to be in a bad mood. Besides, this was Nico's mission. Not his. It's never my mission. No, that's NOT true. I'm not worthless.

He was rudely pulled out of his reverie by Mr. D, who was telling Nico that he couldn't lead the quest. Through a mouthful of ambrosia he said, "Yes well Nick,"


"Nick. You can't lead the quest. You're a...what do mortals say...loose cannon."

Chiron opened his mouth, but Will beat him to it, much too enraged to remember he was talking to an immortal being of godly might.

"Loose cannon? Mr. D, Nico has done more for this camp than almost anyone else! You call him a loose canon because he oh I don't know gave Percy the idea to bathe in the River Styx? To go to Tartarus in search of the doors? To eventually save us all in the battle just a few days ago? You say that he is not worthy to lead a quest...but you are wrong. He is the most worthy demigod this camp has ever seen."

In his emphatic speech Will had walked up to Mr. D, pressing his hands to the top of the pinochle table. He stared into the god's eyes and realized they were full of purple fire.

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