The End of the Beginning (Nico)

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AN: Okay...this is right at the end of Blood of Olympus, with a few random tweaks. I hate taking this much from the books, but it's necessary for this to make sense.

"So where were you?" Will demanded. He was wearing a green surgeon's shirt with jeans and flip flops, which was probably not standard hospital protocol.

"What do you mean?" Nico asked. He was surprised he could say anything, given how much his heart hurt. But, for once, it wasn't real pain. And it wasn't for Percy. Nico was rudely pulled out of his love-laced musings by Will's petulant voice.

"I've been stuck in the infirmary for like two days. You didn't come by. You didn't offer any help."

"I...what? Why would you want a son of Hades in the same room as people you are trying to heal? Why would anyone want that?" Why would anyone want me? Nico added silently.

"You can't help out a friend? maybe cut bandages? Bring me a soda or a snack? Or just a simple 'How's it going Will?' You don't think I could stand to see a friendly face?"

" face?"

The words simply didn't make any sense together. 'Friendly face. Nico di Angelo.' But for some reason Percy's words echoed in his mind. Everyone deserves to be happy. Maybe...maybe I can find it too...

"You're so dense," Will noted, but there way a smile playing at his lips. Nico realized he was staring a little too intensely at Will's face, and looked away sharply. Then he looked back, barley listening as he was absolutely mortified by the blush he felt blooming in his cheeks.

"I hope you got over that nonsense about leaving," Will continued.

"I-yeah. I did. I mean, I'm staying." What is wrong with me? THE LORD OF THE DEAD SHOULD NOT BE DISARMED by a really...really...really cute smile.

"Good. So you may be dense, but you're not an idiot."

Nico tried to disguise his embarrassment by sounding indignant. "How can you even talk to me like that? Don't you know I can summon zombies and skeletons and--"

Will cut him off. "Right now, you couldn't summon a wish-bone without melting into a puddle of darkness, di Angelo." He looked stern, but his sparkling eyes betrayed his tone. "I told you, no more Underworld-y stuff. Doctor's orders. You owe me at least three days in the infirmary. Starting now."

Nico felt like a hundred skeletal butterflies were resurrecting in his stomach, but he doubted he had the power to even do that. "Three days? I suppose that would be okay."


"Just, give me a sec. There's someone I have to see. I promise I come back, on the Styx and everything.

"Okay Death Boy."

"Don't call me Death Boy, Sunshine!"

Will opened his mouth, possibly to spit out some retort or the other, possibly to sing Opera, but Nico was already gone.


Nico found Percy animatedly talking to Annabeth, a gigantic smile on his face.

"Nico! Annabeth and I! We're going to spend senior year together here in New York!" Percy looked like an excited puppy.

Annabeth cut in, her grey eyes full of light. "And then college in New Rome. California, no monsters, just architecture and books and essays and..."

Percy looked slightly apprehensive. "But not...y'know, all the time. Right?" He looked at Nico pleadingly. "Please make her not do that."

Nico studied Percy, his permanently windswept hair, his sea-green eyes. He seemed human now though, not some god Nico felt a need to please. To love. "Maybe I could, but I'd really rather not get between child of Athena and her studying. I just came to say...that I'm staying at Camp Half Blood."

"That's wonderful, Nico." Annabeth said, but Percy was silent. Nico could tell he was thinking about what had happened during their last meeting.

Finally, Percy spoke, choosing his words carefully. "I'm glad Nico. I hope you'"

"Don't worry about me," Nico said, and he was surprised to realize he really meant it. "I think I could take your advice. I've realized that I could move on."

Finally, the tension in his heart broke, and he cracked a smile. "I're cute, but you're not my type."

Percy laughed too, and was mock offended (maybe slightly actually offended) when he said, "What? But I'm everyone's type!"

Annabeth, gods bless her, looked utterly confused. It was probably the first time in her life where she had no idea what was going on. "What?"

Nico looked at her, and for a second a shadow crossed his heart. He was so used to being jealous of her...but now things were different. He couldn't believe himself saying it, but he admitted, "For a really long time, I had a crush on your boyfriend. One time, on the Argo II, I-I kissed him. Then Percy gave me some great advice. He's the reason I'm staying. For," he looked at the hill here Will was standing, "somebody else."

Annabeth looked shocked, but recovered almost immediately. "Okay. Well. Umm, I hope that you and Wi-whoeveritis are happy. And I am open for guy talk. I'm pretty good at handling idiot boyfriends. Piper too."

"Hey!" Percy looked rather annoyed. "First I'm not Nico's type, then my girlfriend calls me an idiot...I was so happy too! You guys need to stop stepping all over my ego. Soon there won't be anything left!"

"Hard to imagine that," Annabeth said playfully.

"It might give us all a break," Nico added, helpfully.

"Thanks guys. Thanks a lot. And here I was, thinking I was everybody's type."

"Besides," Annabeth said, sounding slightly annoyed. "You shouldn't be offended that Nico doesn't think you're his type. You. Have. A. Girlfriend. And, I might mention that you're not Piper's type either. She told me." Annabeth looked smug.

"Yeah. But still..." Percy pouted. The he began mutter about how Jason got all the girls and how he was going to write a flaming e-mail to the gods about the things they made him go through.

"I'm happy for you Nico," Annabeth said, ignoring Percy entirely.

"Thanks," Nico smiled. "I should go now-I've got a promise to keep."

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