National Day of Silence

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AN: Sorry for an update that doesn't have to do with the story but I really wanted to add this on, for reasons that will become clear in a sec.

Today is national day of silence to protest the silencing effect bullying has on the LGBTQ+ community. I wrote this one-shot to commemorate that.
Also, I can't add media because the app is being rather annoying but you guys should all read notyourtypicalguy's bio. It has a beautiful message basically telling bullies to shove off. Take the time. You won't regret it.

There's some harsh language in here, but I made it this way because I wanted to really protest bullying.


I walk into school, nervous to say the least. I'm not sure what to expect from my classmates. I've taken a vow of silence for the day because I cannot believe that discrimination is still an ill of this world. All love is beautiful, and if the world allowed more of it there would be so much less pain. No one should have to fear who they truly are.

Homophobia, sexism and racism (and everything else, classism included) in the 21st century? Please tell me I'm imagining all the hate I see every day. Prove it and I'll give you a medal.

Anyways, I step into my first period class, white board in hand. I already talked to my teachers beforehand, but I will see how this goes since they aren't actually here yet. How embarrassing would it be if I had a sub? Seriously. Taking role is not going to be easy.

I take my seat, and a deep breath, and immediately encounter a problem.

It's Haley Blake, who is quite possible the reincarnation of satan, in all her glory. And she has a look of pure hatred in her eyes.

It's funny how one can claim to be patriotic when one tries to bribe teachers and makes homophobic and racist remarks. I didn't see hate-speech and favoritism in the Bill of Rights.

I am harshly pulled back into reality not tainted by my sarcastic musings by her shrill voice.

"Oh god, Harold, you're so weird! I mean. It's not like gays deserve anything. And trans people?" she laughs like a harpy. I stare at her, wanting to speak but not finding proper words to express my loathing of her and what she represents. And besides, I vowed to be silent. Haley starts to continue, "They're just..."

"What? Normal? Equal? I seriously hope that's what you were going to say," a voice from behind me says, coldly. I turn around, slightly wildly, to see Pamela Greene staring at Haley with an icy glare. It's like a dream (or possibly a nightmare) I've never even heard Pam speak out loud in class before, but now she's shaking with rage.

Pam continues, her words coming out like a hurricane. "I don't see the point of you finishing that sentence, since there's really nothing else to say. Right Harry?" She looks at me, and I nod, still stunned. "Because," She chuckles, but there is no humor in it. "I don't there's anything else valid about the matter. People are who they are, and I don't think that you really have the right to disagree with facts. Do your feelings get hurt when people come out? Does anybody else's happiness invalidate yours? Do you really have such a fragile identity that other's threaten yours? It's people like you, Haley, that are what's wrong with the world."

Haley was cowering in fear by now (she's never been stood up to before, I imagine), but Pam didn't give her a second glance. She gave me a curt nod, and spun around on her heel marching back to her desk.

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