02 | Embrace of Grace

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In the tender light of dawn's first blush,
She rests, a vision of serenity and hush.
Two weeks young, her presence pure,
Wrapped in love's embrace, so sure.

Weeks have passed, a dance of grace,
As mother and daughter find their place.
In her slumber, I find my peace,
A sanctuary in her gentle release.

In her innocence, I see a world anew,
A canvas of dreams, vibrant and true.
Each breath, a whisper of love's grace,
As we navigate this sacred space.

With each sigh, with each breath,
I feel the weight of love, defying death.
In her presence, I find my light,
A beacon of hope, burning bright.

Two weeks young, yet already she's known,
The comfort of love, newly shown.
In her slumber, I find my solace,
A bond of love that nothing can erase.

"Embrace of Grace," the chapter's name,
In the book of motherhood, its flame
Kindles anew with each peaceful night,
Guiding us gently towards morning light.

In the embrace of grace, love's story unfurls,
As a mother cherishes her daughter, amidst life's swirls.

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