16 | Songs of Strength

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In the quiet of the night's embrace,
She sleeps, a vision of peace, her face.
Sixteen weeks young, her breath serene,
As I watch over her, a protective queen.

Weeks have passed, each day a test,
As mother and daughter face life's unrest.
In her slumber, I find my calm,
A sanctuary in her gentle palm.

In her innocence, I see a flicker of hope,
A beacon guiding us through life's scope.
Each sigh, a reminder of love's endurance,
As we weather storms with steadfast assurance.

With each breath, with each sigh,
I feel the resilience, reaching high.
In her presence, I find my resolve,
A mother's strength, steadfast and bold.

Sixteen weeks young, yet already she's known,
The power of resilience, brightly shown.
In her sleep, I find my peace,
A bond of love that will never cease.

"Songs of Strength," the chapter's name,
In the book of motherhood, its flame
Kindles anew with each silent night,
Guiding us gently towards the light.

In the songs of strength, love's story unfurls,
As a mother and daughter navigate life's whirls.

Flowers of Resilience: Poetry for New MothersWhere stories live. Discover now