17 | Enchantment in Every Moment

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In the soft glow of morning's light,
She lies, a marvel in the dawn's sight.
Seventeen weeks young, her spirit bright,
As I cradle her close, love taking flight.

Weeks have passed, a journey sweet,
As mother and daughter find their beat.
In her presence, I find my grace,
A dance of love, in every embrace.

In her eyes, I see the world anew,
A realm of enchantment, ever true.
Each blink, a moment of magic's descent,
As she explores the world, with wonderment.

With each breath, with each sigh,
I feel the enchantment, soaring high.
In her innocence, I find my muse,
A melody of love, in every infuse.

Seventeen weeks young, yet already she's known,
The enchantment of life, newly shown.
In her presence, I find my delight,
A bond of love, pure and bright.

"Enchantment in Every Moment," the chapter's name,
In the book of motherhood, its flame
Kindles anew with each morning's rise,
Guiding us gently under the skies.

In the enchantment of every moment, love's story unfurls,
As a mother and daughter dance through life's swirls.

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