05 | Heartstrings

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In the quiet of the night's embrace,
She stirs, a gentle presence, full of grace.
Five weeks young, her spirit pure,
A melody of love, sweet and sure.

Weeks have passed, each moment dear,
As mother and daughter draw near.
In her touch, I feel a tug so strong,
As our bond deepens, lifelong.

In her cries, I hear a symphony,
A melody of love, sweet harmony.
Each note, a reminder of the love we share,
A connection beyond compare.

With each heartbeat, with each breath,
I feel the pull of love, defying death.
In her presence, I find my song,
A mother's love, steady and strong.

Five weeks young, yet already she's known,
The depth of love that between us has grown.
In her tiny hands, I feel it clear,
A bond of love that draws us near.

"Heartstrings," the chapter's name,
In the book of motherhood, its flame
Kindles anew with each passing day,
Guiding us gently on our way.

In the rhythm of her heartbeat, love's story unfurls,
As heartstrings intertwine between mother and girl.

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