12 | Innocence Unfolding

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In the soft glow of evening's light,
She sleeps, a picture of innocence so bright.
Twelve weeks young, her dreams take flight,
As I watch over her, bathed in twilight.

Weeks have passed, each day a new page,
As mother and daughter journey through this stage.
In her innocence, I find my wonder,
A gentle reminder of life's splendor.

In her dreams, I see a world untold,
A future of possibilities, yet to unfold.
Each sigh, a whisper of dreams unfurling,
As she slumbers peacefully, innocence swirling.

With each breath, with each sigh,
I feel the innocence, soaring high.
In her presence, I find my joy,
A mother's love, pure and coy.

Twelve weeks young, yet already she's known,
The innocence of youth, sweetly grown.
In her slumber, I find my peace,
A bond of love that will never cease.

"Innocence Unfolding," the chapter's name,
In the book of motherhood, its flame
Kindles anew with each passing night,
Guiding us gently towards morning light.

In the innocence of youth, love's story unfurls,
As a mother cherishes her daughter, amidst life's whirls.

Flowers of Resilience: Poetry for New MothersWhere stories live. Discover now