chapter nine

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He was sitting on my bed, with his hands in his lap, fiddling with his bracelet. His hair was curly and all over the place, and you could see his v-line since his shorts sat lower on his waist. His tan had progressed as he spent more time in the summer sun, and he looked different, a good different. These things made me want to crawl into bed with him and stay there forever, but I was angry.  

"So you have the energy to come all the way to MY hotel from the courts, but you can't stay for my final serve? Are you kidding me?" His smile faded as he realized I was not happy with him at all, and he slowly got up from the bed. He approached me and then grabbed me suddenly by the waist and dragged me onto the bed. I was sitting on his lap and could feel him underneath me. He pulled my hair back from my ear so he could speak to me. "Your volleys looked good." "I'm glad you were able to notice, with all those people around you" I said in a bitchy tone. I tried to wriggle out of his hold on me, but his muscles dominated every part of my body. "Is Anya jealous?" I desperately wanted to kiss him, but I couldn't let him know he has power over me.  

It was silent for a second, until he let me go out of his hold. I thought I would get up right away, but I was so tired, I decided to spend a little more time on his lap. I laid my head on his shoulder and his hand found his way to my thigh. He slowly rubbed his hand up and down my leg, "You played beautifully today, Anya." My heart fluttered at his words, and my stomach was filled with butterflies. The last time anyone had said that to me was when I was learning how to play, and it felt good to hear it come out of someones mouth again. "Thank you ben," I replied. "Why didn't you stay for my match point?" I asked. "I had to go hit with Carlos. I would have been there if I didn't have to meet him, I promise." Those words put my mind at ease, knowing he actually cared. What the hell am I doing?? Why am I spending time with this man, who I hated just three days ago. How does he have this chokehold on me? Ugh, I am so confused with my feelings for him. My body calls for him constantly, even if I'm angry with him. I don't know what to do. 

I realized I probably smelled terrible and that I needed to shower, It took me a while to get out of his lap, since my body was stiff from the match. He helped me up and took my face in his hands. "How do you look so pretty after playing a match?" he asked. "I don't, you are just being nice." As I started walking to the bathroom, he grabbed my wrist. We were now facing each other once again. "I want to take you out tonight, and I want you to actually give me a chance." He said with a straight face. "Why would I give you a chance, Benny Boo?" I loved calling him that, it really pushed his buttons. His smirk turned into a smile, "Because I know you want to." "I'll pick you up at eight, wear something nice." He leaned closer to me and planted a small kiss on my forehead before leaving my room. 

I grabbed my phone from my tennis bag, and clicked on Emilia's contact. The phone rung a few times before she picked up. "You won't believe what just happened, Ben-" She cut me off before I could even finish the sentence, "Let me guess, you need a cute outfit?" "Exactly" I squealed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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