chapter five

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He sat to the left of me and shifted his chair so that he could move closer to me. I could smell his perfume and hair gel, which was cool with earth undertones. His hair fell across his forehead in an almost perfect swoop, and he sat silently for a second before speaking.
His lips parted just enough that his white teeth could be seen. I could see his chain beneath his white shirt that was unbuttoned just enough to make me heat up. His muscles arched beneath the fabric, and I wondered what he looked like with nothing on. Snap out of it, I thought to myself, you are just drunk.
He finally spoke, "Like I said before, I never got your name.""Who says I want you to know my name, Ben?" "Ah," he exclaimed, "So you know my name?"  "Yes, I do, Ben Shelton. Everyone knows your name by now."
"Why is that?" he asked. "It's because your cocky; you know how to put on a good show, and I don't do cocky. Sorry, Benny Boo."
I said the last part in a baby voice, knowing it would get him worked up.
"Oh, I'll give you a good show." He said as he slammed his drink and got up from the table.
I wondered what he meant when he said, "I'll give you a good show," but my thoughts were so blurry that I could not comprehend anything in my brain. So instead, I make myself look like a fool, "Have a good night Benny Boo, sleep tight!"
God, I am so drunk; it's time to go.
I walked outside into the heat of the summer and was greeted by another group of photographers asking me questions about the upcoming tournament. Out of the blue, my coach swooped in to save the day.
He ushered me into the SUV, and it was quiet until he opened his mouth. "I don't want you speaking to that Ben kid." My head was racing as I thought of all the possibilities for why he would say that, "Why?" I asked. Coach was silent for a second, thinking about how he could be rude, without being an ass. "He's a bad influence on the tennis community, and his attitude will tear you down." I didn't even know anyone was watching us, and if the coach knew the circumstances of the conversation, he definitely would not be saying this.
I was too drunk and shocked to say anything, and if I opened my mouth, there was a 90% percent chance I would vomit. It's not like I liked Ben; I like having someone I can argue with. I have no time for boys, sex, or feelings. I need to focus on winning more than I need to focus on Ben. I can't believe my coach thinks I would fall for that fool.

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