Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

"And after I got home I just slept in nothing important." "Was he right?" Matt asked. "Right about what?" I took a sip of my coffee I ordered when we arrived at the place. "Right about having feelings for me." I took another sip looking down and gulping a large amount of it, "Um yeah sure..." "Eve be honest." I took a deep breath, "Sort of I mean I didn't want to admit to myself that I still liked you. I hated the fact that I missed you. I did everything I could to get you out of my mind. I met new guys got new friends Matt I've changed... a lot." "Eva I'm sorry I'm not going to pretend like that didn't boost my ego cause it did." He smiled with a small giggle and I did too. "Do you want to come to place?" He asked. "Sure" "and you can tell me more of the story." He smiled.

We got to his place which was filled with games and food especially bagels lots and lots of bagels, "wow this is a nice place you got here." I said looking up at the high ceiling. He laughed and took my hand leading us to his bed room. "Come on Eve!" He took my wrist and started running as if we were kindergarteners on a playground. Once we got to his room he still held tight onto my wrist, "Matt you're kind of hurting me right now." I said pushing his hand off of my wrist, "oh sorry I'm so sorry!" "Calm down its okay." I said laughing. I took a seat on his bed, "Matt this is a really nice house holy shit. Who stays with you?" He laughed and took a seat next to me on his bed, "uh a couple of my friends sometimes and my brother." I nodded looking around the room then I spotted a small picture that looked like a picture of Matt and I. "Matt you still have a picture of us?" I asked he got up and walked towards and took the picture out of my hand stared at it for a while, "yeah Eva I never really forgot about you." Oh no is this going to turn into one of those dramatic romantic scenes? Eva you better stop with this shit. "Mm interesting." I kept my cool. I'm not about to make this moment like a cheesy, dramatic, romantic scene no not today. I walked back to the bed and laid down. "So tell me more the story." Matt said. Matt laid down next to me I flipped over to face him, "Are you sure?" Matt nodded yes so he pulled me into his chest so I could hear his heartbeat, "Okay so..."


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