Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

As I walked away from the school I could hear the school bell slowly fade away as I got further and further away from the campus. I heard my phone ring from the back pocket of my jeans, "Hello?" "Eva? So they said it might rain tonight so we have make this quick or we make this happen for another time. Is that okay?" he said. "Are you okay? You don't sound good," I giggled on into the phone. "Yes Eva I'm fine now hurry before it rains!" He laughed then hung up. I started to run before the place closes and before the rain comes. As I got closer to the to the entrance to the office it started to rain. "Damn it. Why? Why today?" I whispered to myself. I still was going to try to get in nothing was going to get in my way of seeing Brennen.

"Eva, I'm giving you 10 minutes then we gotta go." Joseph said. Joseph worked in the office of the grave yard close to the school I considered him my friend since I go there every weekend. "Okay okay thank you so much! Can I take this rose?" I didn't hear the answer he gave me I just took the rose and ran to the grave yard. After I got to Brennens grave I laid down my bag to sit on so my pants won't get muddy. "I got called to office again... They just wanted to know if I was okay. Which I'm not and everyone knows it and I'm pretty sure everyone knows why even the teachers. Everyone loved you. My mom is worried; I don't know what to do anymore I don't know if I could do this anymore. Brennen I miss you I want you to know that." I set the rose I took from the office down in front of his tomb and kissed the top before I left.

As I walked towards the office the rain came down harder. I walked into the office all wet and with my makeup running down my cheeks from the rain and the little tears that formed while talking to Brennen. Joseph noticed I didn't look ok, "Eva are you okay? Do you need a ride?" He asked. I looked down at the ground then pulling my bag strap over my shoulder, "yeah..." "Alright I'll take you home right now just let me lock up." "Alright I'll be outside." I walked out the door slowly and waited under the small sun protector. I pulled out my phone to call my mom but when I called she didn't answer so I left her voicemail saying, "Hey mom, I'll be a little late... I have to stay after school." Joseph walked out from the office and we headed toward his car. "Are you ready?" I nodded yes. We got in his car and started driving to my house in the harsh rain. "So... if you don't mind me asking, can you tell me about Brennen? I've never really met him." I jumped with excitement when I heard that question! I love talking about Brennen, "Oh! You would've liked him! He was nice, caring, and funny, he was just amazing! I miss him... A lot but I think you guys would've been good friends." I said with a smile on my face facing Joseph. "I don't know if you would want to talk about it but what happened?" I looked down trying not to cry, "Well we were driving in the rain and a SUV coming towards us made a tight turn and hit us. I made it with a few severe injuries but since Brennen was driving he got hurt more and then died in the hospital a few hours later." "Oh... I'm sorry. I know everyone says this but everything is okay, just know he's in a good place and no matter where he is right now he will always love you." Joseph almost made me cry when he said those words. "I know thanks..." The rest of the car ride was filled with only Shawn Mendes playing. "We're here." I hugged Joseph thanking him for letting me visit Brennen and him taking me home.

I walked into my house dripping wet. When I turned around after shutting the door I saw my mom sitting there on the couch facing the TV. "Where have you been?" "Shit." I thought to myself. "I told you? I left you a voicemail because you didn't answer your phone earlier?" I kept walking towards the stairs hopefully avoiding a conversation that was completely meaningless about what she thought I did, "Eva I know you skipped 2 classes the teachers called. Where did you go?" I rolled my eyes, "Mom I'm really tired right now can we talk about it later?" I walked up the stairs only getting to half of the stair case leading to my room. "No Eva where were you? If you went to see Brennens tomb it's okay but it needs to stop. Soon this will become a terrible habit you have. You've been so down ever since he died-" I interrupted my mom, "Mom not now. Please I just want to go to sleep." I walked the rest of the stairs. "Eva you need to stop. This will just get worse and worse as you grow up. Don't you want to be with someone right now? Don't you want to feel someone's warmth-"I stopped my mom. I've had enough of her talking. "Mom okay. I get it you want me to get over him. But I can't. You didn't realize how much he meant to me he still means so much to me. You didn't even pay attention to how happy I was when he was here. You don't understand. You can't tell me I can't see him. Yes Mom I do want to be loved or hugged but it won't be the same if I get that attention from someone else. I'm going to bed." I ignored any other word my mom tried to get out of her mouth. When I got into my room threw my bag onto the floor and plopped onto my bed. I laid there just looking at the ceiling. I closed my eyes for a few seconds just thinking about what had just happened. I got up after a while and I grabbed my photo book and played Brennens man crush, Shawn Mendes. I flipped through the book looking for pictures of me and Brennen. Tears started to form in my eyes then I flipped to a page where it was the very first picture of us meeting. I close my eyes and remember how it all started.

*Note: So I decided to post 2 chapters on Tuesdays and Fridays*

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