Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

Today is the day I meet the love of my life. I put on my black shorts, black crop top, and my black flats. I wear a lot of black haha. I tweeted; "ON MY WAY TO MEET BRENNEN AHHHH" I put my phone in the back pocket of my shorts and walked down and told my mom I was ready and we made our way to the park. "Mom I'm nervous..." "Why?! He's just a boy." I looked at her in shock, "No mom he isn't just 'some boy' he is the best boy!" She laughed and shook her head as if she thought I was crazy. "WE'RE HERE MOM STOP THE CAR WE ARE HERE." She stopped the car and I run to where I saw a group of girls surrounding two guys. Oh my god his brother is here too! Today will be the day I die. The girls weren't in a line so we just went up to him when we had a chance. I let a few girls go and when it was time for me to go I took a deep breath, handed my phone to a girl I started talking to, and walked up to him and hugged him so tight I didn't want to let go. "What's your name?" I stuttered, "E-E-Eva" He gave a small giggle, "That's a really pretty name." We took a picture when I walked away he grabbed my wrist. To be honest I a little scared I wasn't sure what he was going to do, he pulled me closer and whispered in my ear "Wait stay... I wanna talk to you... Wait by that tree and when the girls leave I'll be right there." He winked at me. I called my mom so I didn't have to walk all the back to the car, "Mom I need to stay a little longer." "What why?" I couldn't tell her because Brennen wanted to talk to me. "Because I met this girl and she said she would show me around the town... She's really nice! She said she would take me back home." It was silent for a minute, "I guess... Please be safe and call me when you're on your way home." "Okay mom love you!" After the last few girls went and then left I saw Brennen put his hands in his front pocket and started walk towards me. I bit my finger so I wouldn't scream but he saw what I did and I guess he took it in an inappropriate way oh my god. "So... Eva right?" I nodded yes possibly with the biggest smile. "I wanted to talk to you cause you know you're really beautiful..." He said looking down I could tell he was a little scared possibly because he didn't know how I would react. "Oh my god..." "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything" I laughed, "What no! I'm just so shocked at what is happening right now... This just needs to sink in." He laughed. "So do you want something to eat? I'll have Jake take us to where ever you want." He said smiling. I honestly I wasn't hungry but I didn't want to be rude. "Mm well I just moved here so maybe you could just surprise me?" He took the biggest gasp I laughed so hard. He grabbed my wrist and I wasn't hard like how Matt would, "OH MY GOD I'LL TAKE YOU TO THE BEST PLACE EVER!" I ran along with him to the car. I got into his truck. "Jake can you drive?" Jake nodded his head yes, "Do you want to listen to Shawn Mendes?" Brennen asked with a huge smile, "OMG HELL YES!!" I sat there listening to Brennen sing Life of the Party. I can't believe I'm actually in the same acr as Brennen and Jake Taylor oh my god am I even alive? I opened up my camera and started to record him singing. I sent it to Sabrina.









"So Eva, is this your first ever time in California?" Jake asked Brennen blocked everything out I'm pretty sure he forgot I was even here. "No I've been here many times but I would do the basic things like Disney Land, Universal Studios, and the beach." "That's nice. What made you decide to move out here?" He kept his eyes on the road. "Well... My boy-" Brennen stopped the music and Jake looked at Brennen holding in the laughter that was going to explode any minute now, "You have a boyfriend?" I gave out a nervous laugh and then Jake jumped in, "Brennen chill you didn't even let her finish the first sentence." He laughed. "Okay well...."I started to explain how Matt would hit me and just control me. "He wanted me to do everything his way." I told him about the last time I ever saw him, "I took his keys and just drove. I went home and just started packing." "So he cheated on you?" I nodded yes, "but I didn't find out or how long. I'm one of those girls who you least expect me to date the star football player." "Well that explains how tough he is on you." I saw the sympathy in his eyes, "but we stopped talking I didn't even tell him I was moving. So I don't know how's he doing right now but I could care less." I shrugged my shoulders and went on Instagram to avoid the feelings that would burst out. "Well guys in California are a lot different here." He winked at me and turned back around, "Here stop here!" He yelled, "Taco Bell?" He helped me get out of the truck and held my hand. Brennen Taylor is holding my hand oh my god I'm going to die."I know this too well." He said I just laughed cause I obviously know that from his snapchats and tweets."What do you want?" I didn't go out to fast food a lot so I wasn't really sure on what to get. "Mmmm can I just the basic crunchy tacos?" He laughed and he ordered what he wanted Jake didn't want anything he was too attached to his phone. "I promise I'll pay you back!" "You don't have to it's all on me." He smiled at me and hugged me, oh my god Brennen is buying me fucking tacos I can't breathe, "Are you okay?" He laughed, "Yeah why?" "Well cause I'm buying you tacos?" I must have said that out loud. I am so embarrassed. "I said that out loud huh?" He smiled and laughed then nodded yes. Oh my god he is so beautiful. He means the world to me I'm really sitting face-to-face to Brennen. "So tell me about yourself?" He took a bite of his taco and looked at me waiting for a description of me. "Well I'm from Virginia I just moved here like 3 days ago" I laughed. "I'm legal by the way." Oh my god did I just say that? "I mean no-" "Legal for..." I thought for a minute, "....Legal to drive. Duh..." I looked down at the floor and whispered, "Fuck" "Eva?" He laughed. "Oh and uhm that's basically it." "How old are you?" "Well I'm... I-I-'m 17." Brennen's eyes popped open and he choked on his taco. "17?" "Yeah..." I don't know if this was a good thing or a bad awkward moment. "You don't look 17." "Really?" My phone interrupted our conversation, "It's my mom hold on." I stepped out took answer the call. "Mom?" "Eva when are you coming home?" I covered the phone with my hand so my mom wouldn't hear who I was with, "so what time will you take me to my house?" "When do you want to leave Brennen whispered? He could tell this was obviously a secrete from my mom. "Uh mom can I have one more hour with my friend?" "Uh fine okay one hour that's it. You need to come home we're going out to eat with this nice lady I met at the store." "Alright mom I'll be there in one hour. Love you." I hung up the phone and started to finish my taco. "So shall we finish the tour?" Brennen got up and grabbed my hand. We left Taco Bell and walked back to his truck. "So where are you taking me now?" I asked putting my seatbelt on. "Well we have one more hour so why don't we kill that one hour at the mall?"


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