Shadowhunter Bennett

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Gaia stared at Luke but zoned out of most of the conversation. She only returned her attention when Alec mentioned Valentine. "No question. This is his work." Luke told them.

"Finally trying to kill his parabatai? Or ex-parabatai?" Gaia mentioned and everyone looked at her in shock. Lydia moved on the quickest.

"So you think he's going after ex-Circle members?" Lydia asked Luke. He soon recovered as well. And stopped staring at Gaia.

"He has been known to hold a grudge."

"We can leave some shadowhunters here," Alec suggested, thinking of his wife.

"No thanks, we can manage."

"Well we should put extra wards around the Institute to protect Hodge and the Lightwoods. Alec, you did know your parents were circle members, right?" Lydia looked towards Alec and Gaia glared at her.

"We know Lydia. One of the things that we bonded over," Gaia answered for her husband.

"Right, your fat-" Gaia turned to glare at the blonde shadowhunter.

"I'd watch the next thing that comes out of your mouth. Let's get this body back to the institute."

"Gaia, can I talk to you please?" Luke asked in front of everyone. Lydia moved out with the body and Alec looked at his wife then her father.

"Alpha Garroway we have nothing to speak about." She rushed out of the restaurant since she could barely breathe. Her husband was right on her trail.

"You need to talk to him."

"No. I don't." Alec grabbed his wife by her shoulders and turned her then cupped her face.

"Look, I know I don't actually push you to do much. And we all know that you win all of our arguments but I am insisting. He could have died today, Gaia. Then you will never get the chance." Gaia fought the burning tears.

"I don't want to go."

"I know. But I'll wait here."

Gaia walked back into the Jade Wolf and Luke quickly stood. "You have five minutes." she said and sat down across from him. He hesitantly took a seat again.

"I kind of already know but are you Gaia-"

"Lightwood. I am Gaia Lightwood."

"Did Maryse and Robert adopt you or?"

"I'm married. To Alec Lightwood." His eyes widened.

"Married? So young?"

"Did you forget I know how young you were married?"

"Who raised you?"

"Oh you mean after you clearly fought off the Circle and then didn't go look for me? I had nowhere to go. And as you know I was already runed so when Maryse found me the night of the Uprising she took me to Lunaria and Cleophas. They were the only suitable family I had left."

"If you were raised by them, it's.- no wonder you hate me." Gaia looked at him with disgust.

"I don't hate you because you're a werewolf. I have quite a few Downworlder friends."

"So why do you hate me?"

"Are you joking? You abandoned me. Do you not remember that night? When you were attacked by Valentine's men? Because I remember. I remember fighting and escaping and waiting for you. For hours. Just for you to never come back for me." She tried to keep the tears from falling down her face but she couldn't stop them. She just looked down. "But the Iron Sisters raised me. Honestly it wasn't that different. A lot less hugs and kisses but I suppose it was worth it."

Mor-Verse: A Peek Into the TimelinesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang