The Missing Bridge

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A/n: Again this is a collection of one shots or drabbles. Let me know if any stories are something I should continue with. I'm going to write a couple of the universe this way.

Bonnie sat around in the Salvatore Boarding House of the prison world. She hated spending every day in this place. Her only company, Damon, hated it too. He should have enjoyed his home. But he couldn't help but think the place had ghosts. He could hear her laugh echo off the walls of his bedroom. He loved that laugh. And the snort that would sometimes come with it. He could see the ghosts in Bonnie's eyes too. They'd finally seen her again. All before having to say goodbye once more.

Bonnie worked up the courage to ask him one day over those horrible pancakes. "Did you ever miss her?" Bonnie asked him, "You know, like when we were still living?" Damon knew immediately who she was talking about. The two tended to be in disagreement mostly but she was their common ground. And their common mistake.

"All the time. Do you wish she hadn't done it?" Damon asked. Though he said she, he knew they were both to blame for the ending.

"Sometimes I wish I was the one you turned," Bonnie said. It brought him back to that moment. Back to Esther, the Mikaelsons, and that stupid coin toss. He'd regret that moment the most. The Mikaelsons kidnapped Elena and the Salvatore Brothers were responsible for stopping the witches. She hadn't even wanted to do the spell. Bonnie and Damon had begged her. Saying they could all move on once the Mikaelsons were dead. But she knew differently. Not that it mattered. She'd done it anyway. Because they were her twin sister and her lover. And she would have done anything to make them happy. That's how she spent her life. Making other people happy. Making Damon feel like he could move on. Live again. Bonnie started talking again and he could hear the pain in her voice. "I would have hated it but I would've adjusted. Magic was everything to her. It was her only friend when the world had failed her. When I had failed her. It was her field of study. And we took that from her."

"You didn't have anything to do with it." he said but Bonnie shook her head. "

"Technically that's true. But had you included me, I would've agreed at that moment. If you'd asked me, I would have gone along with it. Only to regret it the moment it was done."

"So would she if it saved you. She'd do anything to save you. Go up against anybody. And the Mikaelsons liked her. They would've left her alone. But no, we had to bring her into it. And we just used her like some encyclopedia. But she just accepted it. And me. She accepted us and any drizzles of affection that we gave her. She accepted me as a boyfriend even when she thought I had feelings for Elena." He dug his nails into his palm. He could remember every moment. She pursued him. Made him feel loved before he even knew what was happening. No one had ever done that. He wasn't the bad boy in her eyes. He was a romantic.

"Don't you though?" Bonnie asked.

"I did until the moment I came home to that damn letter. Then I knew. It was only her. It was only ever going to be her. And it was the worst feeling I'd ever felt." To stop Esther, they'd turned her into the thing she never wanted to be. They took her life, her magic, her ability to have children, everything they knew she wanted. Even after the coin toss, Damon couldn't do it. But Stefan went through with it. He said she would adjust. Damon even knew then he was wrong. She went around that day saying her goodbyes, not willing to make the transition. But he took that choice from her too. Damon held her down as Bonnie poured a drop of blood into her mouth. They heard her heartbreaking sobs. But they never thought she'd not accept it that badly. Bonnie had made her a daylight ring. She never wore it. She wrote them both letters where she actually apologized for not coming up with a better solution. Then she walked into the sunlight. They were there. Getting out of the car as she stepped onto the porch. The two actually smiled at her, thinking she was finally accepting. Then she burned away before their eyes. Damon still remembered her calm smile and Bonnie's screaming.

"I know what you mean. I always used to say that Elena and Caroline felt more like sisters than she did. Then she died and I just- I hate that I said that to her. A part of me is still so empty. I hope she made it back." When the Veil was coming down, she passed through Bonnie. She didn't want to at first. She wanted to be at peace. But Sheila explained it wasn't possible. She had so much living left to do.

"Me too. She deserves it." Damon said as he drank his morning scotch.

"Well yeah but there's also another reason we don't deserve her." Bonnie said and he downed the rest of the glass before looking over at hr.

"What's that?"

"She always loved us regardless. So while everyone else will be continuing on with their lives, she'll be looking for a way to bring us back. Even if it kills her." He knew Bonnie was right. If Moriyah had made it back, it would be only a matter of time before she came for them.

They weren't wrong. In the real world, Moriya was a seventeen year old again. She was dead legally. Which she could do nothing about. But she lived at the Salvatore home while she researched. She knew in her heart they weren't gone. She had studied magic. She knew how it worked. How things fit together. She built an ascendant in less than five months. She made only her blood the key.

It took another seven times before she was able to find the prison world that held her twin sister and ex boyfriend. Or current boyfriend. She didn't know how things worked when a person died and came back to life. She knew that when the situation was over, they might be exes. She died being very selfless and she had to live that time. She had to want more for herself. To be more accepting of love and affection. Elijah Mikaelson had flirted with her. Told her if she'd ever leave Damon he'd show her how she was meant to be loved. To be treated. Maybe she would go searching for him. After she got her sister back. And Damon. He was important too.

She arrived in a nineties prison world and looked around. It was three magicals there. One felt so familiar she knew it was her twin. The other felt familiar but faint so Damon. Btu then there was an angry energy and she knew whoever was being held here would put up a fight. Her plan A was to get in and out with Bonnie and Damon. Plan B was still being worked on in her head. If they confronted her, she had a magical arsenal she'd been working on since she returned to life. And some she'd learned in the afterlife.

Already the Mystic Falls crowd found her different. More self serving. Less doormat. They asked for help but she constantly refused. They had one witch and she was possibly dead now. If her sister wanted to return to being their fix-it witch, she was on her own.

Moriyah panicked as she walked up the driveway of the boarding house. She could hear some music playing. She didn't know what time it was in the day but the sun was currently high in the sky. She felt the energy again. The person was close. She hurried her steps. She rushed to the door and knocked on it. Suddenly the music stopped. Her heart was in her throat as the door opened, she was pulled inside then had Damon's hands around her neck. "I feel like we've been here before." she said with a smirk, looking at him in his perfect blue eyes. 

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