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Major Sheppard was very skeptical at first when Weir assigned a Dr. Morgan Bennett to his away team. He had never even talked to the woman. So he went to ask around about her. "What do you know about this woman?" Major Sheppard asked Dr. Beckett.

"Major, I don't know what you mean," Dr. Beckett said as he was continuing his work.

"Do you believe her to be what she says? A witch?" That was something he'd heard about Morgan Bennett. It was hush hush but definitely a whisper.

"I have seen enough of Morgan's abilities to know that she is right about what she says. But witch has always been used to describe those with more power than normal."

"Yeah but there's got to be some explanation." Sheppard said as he leaned against Beckett's lab table.

"I have a theory," Beckett said mindlessly.

"And that is?" He sighed and looked up from his work.

"Well I haven't shared it and I haven't got much proof."

"I'm not asking for proof, Doc. I'm asking why I should trust this woman." Beckett sighed and turned from his computer to talk to Major Sheppard. 

"Morgan has an unusually high level of Ancient DNA. Most with the gene are 3 percent at best, like yourself. Morgan's genome is thirty times more like theirs. At least that's what we gather of the samples we have. It is possible her line kept finding others with the gene or even some ancient changing experiment." The new knowledge didn't help at all.

Major Sheppard talked to Rodney, surely the skeptic would agree with him. "C'mon McKay, you can't be comfortable with the idea of a witch on the team." Major said as he found Rodney in the jumper bay. Other engineers were wandering in and out. Rodney had actually known Morgan Bennett for almost a decade.

"What I have seen Dr. Bennett do has flummoxed me. I do not know why when she says certain words, certain things happen. But what I do know is she is the second smartest person on this base," Surprisingly enough, the woman in question was walking through and overheard them.

"First, Rod. I have a higher IQ than you," she said teasingly as she went and checked diagnostics.

"By one point," Rodney pointed out but Morgan only rolled her eyes.

"It is a point I shall cherish forever. Plus I graduated with my doctorate three years earlier than you did," she said but not in a way where one would think she was bragging about it.

"In Microbiology. Not Astrophysics. Or Aerospace Engineering. That program is bounds easier." Morgan sighed playfully and Major Sheppard just watched the interaction.

"If you say so."

"In fact I do."

"But you will acknowledge I do have a Doctorate in Aerospace Engineering. And a Masters in Astrophysics. And in robotics, and physics, and in-"

"Psychology. Useless and I don't know why you mention it."

"Because its one of my seven degrees."

"Seven?" Major Sheppard asked her, "You're like 20."

"Twenty six. And I completed three of my Masters degrees simultaneously."

"Seven including your bachelors?"

"Who includes that? Might as well include your high school diploma."

"She tested out of high school before she could even enter middle school." Rodney shared with Major Sheppard. Morgan had been hearing about the Major asking about her. She understood, which is why she hadn't confronted him.

"I understand the unknown might be a little scary, Major Sheppard. But I'm trained in the stargate, it is always helpful to have another sharp brain around, and I also have combat training."

"Really?" he asks with a raised brow, "Would you be willing to spar?"

"Pick any opponent. Even yourself." Dr. Bennett smirked at Major Sheppard and he couldn't even help the feeling that went through him. She was young, beautiful, fit, and smart. He thought maybe he should learn more about her. Spend more time with her.  

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