« You don't know who Hannah Floris is either . Nobody knows who I truly am for a reason but if you wish to then I would be delighted to show you all . » I say then lean down to gather my things . She was about to turn around and face me again when a female voice interrupted her .

« Miss Jarick ! » My history teacher walks in , her golden brown hair gathered in a fine bun and her knee length camel skirt matted perfectly as she walks towards us in her high heels .

Selena scoffs and walks away with her group as I stand up too to go clean up and then head to my classroom .

« What happened ? » Miss Lambert asks as she looks at me .

« Nothing important . » I reply shortly and try to walk away , or more accurately limp away . She blocks my way , although she is a few inches shorter she stands tall in front of me .

For some reason I don't like her and I can tell the feeling is mutual .

Could that unknown reason be a certain philosophy teacher ...

I shut that thought down and keep looking at her with bored eyes .

« I can speak to Selena if she bothers you . »

« I appreciate your concern , Miss Lambert . But everything is fine . » I say smiling forcefully and finally walk away from her .

« How did you injure your ankle ? »

I stop on my heels and turn around slowly facing her with furrowed brows . « What ? »

« Kane told me you fell down the stairs when the lights turned off . But I don't think it could cause such a damage especially since you had almost reached the floor ... »

First I grit my teeth at the fact that she is capable of calling him by his first name which mean they are close .

Just how close ?

Second I narrow my eyes at the hint of suspicion in her tone . « You think I'm faking it . »

« It seems inconvenient that you had such an accident in a period of time when we were all confined behind four walls which makes the possibility of that happening a little too low . »

She eyes me carefully , she obviously doesn't like me at all , however I have no clue where she is going with the way she's talking .

« I don't think I understand what you mean ... plus I have to go now so if you'll excuse me . »

« You're excused , Miss Floris . Just remember that young girls are not immune to adult mistakes . I trust you're wise enough not to put yourself in a situation with no way out . » She smiles and walks back from where she came .

I roll my eyes and manage to go clean myself up and head to a class I am sure I won't understand shit in .

That woman is a fucking sick person if she believes I would fake a fall to seduce ... a man .

One more reason to stop the madness going on with him , I need to distance myself further from him even if it means transferring from his class .


« Tell me if I miswrote someone's mark , then put the papers in stacks from A to E , understood ? » He tosses the papers at me without sparing me a glance .

And they say women are more effected by hormones !

The hell is wrong with him now ?

I nod as I start working on my task , sitting in one of the tables in the empty classroom . Saturday morning is not meant to be spent at school , however I better waste it here then get suspended for some while . I am surprised my mom's method managed to save me from staining my perfectly polished record but grateful nevertheless .

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