The Saviour

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How did he end up here?

Wonwoo liked to ask himself how he let Mina drag him into these situations but lo and behold here he was. At a frat party.

'God the guys here stink', Wonwoo thought to himself as he waded through the crowd to the drinks table. He picked up a beer can, the cold condensations tickled his hand as he cracked it open and took a sip. 'Might as well enjoy myself'.

That was Wonwoo's last thought before he found himself chugging the can in less than 15 seconds.

'Another one shouldn't be bad', Wonwoo said internally cracking open another one, downing it in just about the same amount of time as the last one. The beer trickled down his chin as he messily drank it, and once again, he reached for another can.

"Hey, what's a hottie like you doing alone." Wonwoo's eyes widened as he turned around, only to be met with his classmate Jaehyun. Wonwoo waved him off, opening his third can.

"Just celebrating the end of finals." Wonwoo responded nonchalantly
, chugging the beer in front of him.

"You should really be more careful." Jaehyun put a hand on his chin, wiping away the beer that Wonwoo spilt on himself. His hand snaked down to Wonwoo's waist, leaning in next to his ear. "How about you come home with me tonight?" His hot breath on Wonwoo's ear made him recoil.

"I'm good." Wonwoo replied, trying to escape his grasp.

"Oh but you're so hot." Jaehyun spoke, his hands now on Wonwoo's hips. "I really just wanna-"

"Get the fuck off of him." Jaehyun was pushed off, eliciting an annoyed looked from him. Wonwoo turned to see where the voice came from and it was none other than Kim Mingyu, looking hotter than ever. Wonwoo almost melted like putty once he locked eyes on Mingyu's body.

"Hey man I was just having a friendly convo with him." Jaehyun stood close to Mingyu until they were face to face.

"He doesn't want a trashy fat guy who smells like rat poison around him." Mingyu responded.

"Watch what you say to me."

"Or what?" Mingyu tilted his head to the side and smirked. Just as Jaehyun was about to shove Mingyu, Wonwoo finally came to his senses.

"Oh Mingyu!" Wonwoo threw himself around him. "Let's go home now so you can do whatever you want to me." Mingyu and Jaehyun's eyes widened, however Mingyu knew he had to play this well. He grabbed Wonwoo by the waist and dragged him outside, the cold air allowing him to sober up.

As Wonwoo and Mingyu stepped out from the vibrant atmosphere of the party, a rush of cold air greeted them, stark against the warmth they had just left. The night sky stretched overhead, a canvas of deep indigo dotted with sparkling stars. Their breath mingled with the icy air, forming fleeting clouds with each exhale. The distant echoes of laughter and music gradually dissipated, leaving them enveloped in the tranquil stillness of the night. Wonwoo pulled his jacket tighter around him, while Mingyu buried his hands deeper into his pockets. Wonwoo was the first to break the silence.

"Thanks Mingyu." He said quietly, looking towards him. Mingyu stared blankly ahead.

"No problem." He responded. "Well I think I'll get back in there."

"Mingyu I-"

"It's fine Won. Things between us were a mistake. We rushed it. Nothing turns out good from rushing." Mingyu spoke, still refusing to look at Wonwoo. "Here." He pulled out his phone. "I'm calling you an UBER. Get home safe."

"Mingyu," Wonwoo pleaded. "Let me make things right." He grabbed his hand, but there was no reciprocation. Wonwoo was truly defeated now.

"Just go Won, the UBER's here." Mingyu pointed out to the road. Wonwoo took one last look at Mingyu, searching for any hint that Mingyu was yearning for him to stay, but he couldn't find it. So here Wonwoo was, walking dejectedly to an UBER, away from the one thing he wanted.


The next morning, Mina knocked on Wonwoo's door, a distressed look riddled her face.

"Hey, what's up?" Wonwoo asked as he gestured for her to enter the house.

"We need to talk." Mina began. Wonwoo nodded and asked her to sit on the couch.

"So, what's wrong?"

"I've been thinking about this for a while and... I think we should break up." She finally let out. An awkward silence filled the room, one she quickly tried to fill. "It's not you, it's me."

Wonwoo looked at her a bit confused.

"Why so sudden?"

"I realised, we're not quite right for each other." Mina spoke gently, hoping to soften the blow on Wonwoo. "And I'm at a weird place with my... sexuality right now." Wonwoo's eyes widened at that. Panic stretched across Mina's face, making Wonwoo realise she may have taken his look the wrong way.

"I... I think I understand," Wonwoo admitted, a flicker of realization crossing his features. "And Mina, there's something I need to tell you too."

Mina's brow furrowed in confusion, but she nodded for him to continue.

"I've been grappling with my own feelings lately," Wonwoo confessed, his voice gaining strength. "And I think... I might like someone else."

Mina's eyes widened in surprise, but before she could respond, Wonwoo continued.

"It's Mingyu," he admitted, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. "I've been trying to ignore it, but being honest with myself, I can't deny how I feel."

"That night at the party, did you two kiss?" Mina asked expectedly. Wonwoo nodded in response.

"That ignited a spark in me I didn't know existed." Wonwoo replied.

Mina's expression softened, understanding dawning in her eyes.

"Wonwoo, I'm glad you're being honest with yourself. And I hope... I hope things work out with Mingyu."

Wonwoo smiled, a weight lifting off his shoulders. Despite the pain of Mingyu's rejection, a glimmer of hope stirred within him as he embraced the truth of his feelings for Mingyu.

"You should tell him how you feel." She said gently.

"When the time comes, I will." Wonwoo replied, looking out the window.

As they parted ways, each carrying the weight of their newfound truths, Wonwoo couldn't help but feel a spark of anticipation for what the future might hold. And amidst the uncertainty, there was a flicker of realisation, that perhaps their paths crossed to help them to both find their futures.

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