The Dance

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The soft strains of classical music filled the air as Chan addressed the class, his voice carrying a blend of authority and warmth.

"Welcome, everyone," he began, his smile radiant. "Today, we're diving into the enchanting world of ballroom dance."

Everyone looked at him nodding.

"Okay let's begin with the basics. Turn to your partner. Ladies, place your left hand on your partner's left shoulder and hold your other hand out like this." Chan stuck his right arm out to the side.  He looked eagerly at everyone, scanning their every movement.

"Um." Chan heard a cough and looked over. "Chan I don't think this is going to work out." Wonwoo began, "we're both guys." Chan playfully rolled his eyes.

"Of course it'll work out. Won, you're shorter than Mingyu so for the sake of comfortably you can follow the girl steps."

"Really?" Wonwoo asked, a little annoyed.

"Really." Chan smiled back at him. "Okay where was I? Gentlemen, place your right on the lady's waist and hold their other hand with your left hand."

The other couples followed suit, quickly adapting to Chan's directions. Mingyu looked at Wonwoo awkwardly, letting out a sigh.

"Is it okay if I touch you?" Mingyu asked gently. Wonwoo's eyes widened but he eventually nodded, his whole body stiffened at the feeling of Mingyu's large hand on his waist. His other gently held Wonwoo's in its, remaining still until Chan gave his next orders.

(i recommend you listen to "I Hear A Symphony" by Cody Fry or "Merry-Go-Round" from Howl's Moving Castle)

"Gents, take a step back with your right foot, and move just slightly to the right." Chan quickly demonstrated the action. Mingyu followed along, stepping back as well. "Ladies, step forward with your left foot, take the position of where the gentleman's foot used to be."

Wonwoo stepped forward, a bit unsure of what he was doing but he didn't want to embarrass himself.

"Alright now go back to your original position, and try both doing that step at the same time." Chan spoke to the couples. Everyone repeated the steps. "Now, imagine a circle, follow the circle with your steps. Alternating between the left and right foot."

Chan demonstrated the basic steps with effortless grace, his movements fluid and precise. As he glided across the floor, Mingyu watched in awe, his eyes reflecting his admiration for the younger boy.

But among them stood Wonwoo, his brow furrowed in concentration as he tried to follow along with his eyes.

"You may begin!" Chan smiled at everyone.

Despite his best efforts, Wonwoo's feet stumbled over each other, and his partner, Mingyu, exchanged amused glances with him.

"Let's start the music from the beginning," Chan announced, his voice gentle yet commanding. "Follow my lead."

With patience and encouragement, he guided each participant through the steps, offering individual attention and feedback. Wonwoo, however, seemed to struggle, his steps out of sync with the rest of the class.

"Keep your posture straight, Wonwoo," Chan advised, casting a reassuring smile his way.

Despite the guidance, Wonwoo continued to falter, his movements hesitant and uncertain. Mingyu, after a few chuckles, stepped in, offering a steadying hand on Wonwoo's waist and gentle guidance.

"Here, just follow me." Mingyu took a few steps that Wonwoo attempted to replicate but to no avail.

"How are you so good at this?" Wonwoo whined.

"It's not my first time ballroom dancing." Mingyu responded. He chewed on his lip, seemingly thinking. "Stand on my feet."

"What?!" Wonwoo was shocked at Mingyu's offering. "Why?"

"When my Grandma taught me how to waltz when I was younger, she let me stand on her feet when I didn't understand it."

"Mingyu I'll hurt you." Wonwoo responded with a deadpan look on his face.

"No you won't, it'll be fine." Mingyu reassured him, holding both his hands to help him stand on Mingyu's feet. Wonwoo gently placed each foot on top of Mingyu's in fear of hurting him. "Okay, ready?" Mingyu gave him a reassuring smile, to which he nodded. "Left forward, right forward, left back, right back. Gradually in a circle." Mingyu said under his breath, guiding Wonwoo.

Wonwoo concentrated hard, holding onto to Mingyu's shoulder for support. He could've sworn Mingyu was holding his waist hard enough to leave dents but he didn't mention anything. The sound of Mingyu's voice made him drift into a stream of focus, it sounded like a pattern that Wonwoo could finally understand.

"I think I can do it." Wonwoo spoke suddenly and Mingyu smiled at him.

"You sure?"

"Mhm." Wonwoo nodded. Mingyu placed both hands on Wonwoo's waist, lifting him up and placing him on the ground, sending chills down his spine. They stared into each other's eyes for a bit, smiling, until the moment was cut off.

"The song is starting again, everyone start from the top!" Chan beamed a smile at Wonwoo.

Couples twirled and dipped, their movements synchronized and graceful, zooming past Wonwoo and Mingyu.

"Come on, dance with me." Mingyu spoke softly, sending a flush of red to Wonwoo's cheeks. He slowly nodded and Mingyu grabbed a hold of him. "Let's go."

As if the God of Music themself had blessed Wonwoo, he was finally following the steps properly. Him and Mingyu moved to the rhythm perfectly, Mingyu guiding him to exactly where he needed to be. They locked eyes, staring at each other with an intensity that could not be found when they looked into their girlfriend's eyes. Mingyu pulled him in closer, dancing with him more melodically.

The music stopped, and so did all the other couples. But Wonwoo and Mingyu were glued to each other, encapsulated by one another.

"And that is the end of our hour, thank you so much for coming! Stay tuned for my other dance classes." Chan stated, snapping Wonwoo and Mingyu out of their trance. Chan ran up to Wonwoo, hugging him. "Thank you sooooo much! You did great today." Wonwoo chuckled. "And Mingyu, thank you for offering to help me out. It means a lot!" Chan hugged him too.

All the couple began packing up their things and leaving. Wonwoo walked over to his bags with Mingyu, a quietness filling the studio.

"How are you getting home?" Mingyu broke the silence.

"Walking, you?"

"Same. It's dark outside, can I walk you home?" Mingyu asked, nervous.

"You don't have to. I don't want to be a burden." Wonwoo responded placing a hand on Mingyu's bicep.

"Just let me." Mingyu spoke outwardly this time.


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