The Stairs

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Wonwoo's heart raced as he followed Lisa up the stairs, anxiety gripping him like a vice. The sound of Mingyu's ringtone echoed through the hallway, each chime intensifying Wonwoo's unease. What would happen if Lisa found him?

As they reached the top of the stairs, Wonwoo's fears were realized. There stood Mingyu, looking startled, caught in the midst of attempting to decline the call. Wonwoo's mind raced, his thoughts a jumbled mess of panic and longing. He couldn't bear the thought of Lisa discovering the truth about his feelings for Mingyu.

Frantically, Wonwoo searched for a way to divert Lisa's attention, to shield Mingyu from her probing gaze. But before he could intervene, Lisa's eyes met his, a questioning look in her gaze. Wonwoo's heart stuttered, his fear of being exposed overwhelming his desire to protect Mingyu.

"What's going on?" Mina asked as she walked up the stairs.

Mingyu's eyes darted between Wonwoo and Lisa, confusion written on his face. In that moment, Wonwoo knew he had to act fast, to preserve whatever ounce of respect he had left.

With a forced smile, Wonwoo stepped forward,

"Mingyu and I decided to wait for you guys after dance class! He was just checking out my second floor."

As Mingyu shot him a grateful glance, Wonwoo prayed that his act would be enough to convince Lisa.

"Why'd you lie about the jacket being yours?" Lisa asked.

"I don't know." Wonwoo blurted out, face palming mentally. Mina gasped, suddenly remembering something. She whispered in Lisa's ears making her eyes widened.

"Gyu... did you hear anything?" Lisa looked him in the eyes.

Mingyu's voice trembled with feigned hurt, his eyes widening in mock betrayal as he addressed Lisa.

"Lisa, I... I can't believe you kissed Cha Eunwoo."

Wonwoo's jaw dropped in astonishment, marveling at Mingyu's ability to convincingly play the part of the wounded boyfriend. He had never seen anyone act with such skill, his performance so convincing that even Wonwoo found himself questioning whether it was genuine.

Lisa's eyes widened in shock, her cheeks flushing with guilt.

"Mingyu, I..." she began, her voice wavering with uncertainty.

But before she could finish, Mingyu held up a hand, his expression a perfect blend of hurt and understanding.

"No, Lisa, it's fine. I just wish you had told me face to face," he said, his voice quivering with emotion.

Wonwoo watched in awe as Mingyu continued to spin his tale, his heart swelling with admiration for his friend's acting prowess. In that moment, he realized that Mingyu was not just a guy who made his stomach do flips, but also a master of the heart, capable of evoking genuine emotions with nothing more than a few carefully chosen words.

As Lisa reached out to comfort Mingyu, her eyes filled with regret, Wonwoo couldn't help but feel guilty. Here Lisa was, thinking she had hurt Mingyu, when really Mingyu was kissing Wonwoo behind her back.

Wonwoo felt a hand trail around his wrist, it was Mina. Slowly retreating down the stairs and dragging Wonwoo with her. They stood in the kitchen in silence, allowing Mingyu and Lisa to have their moment. It sounded almost silent, with a few mumbles reverberating through the air.

Eventually they heard the sound of footsteps as Mingyu and Lisa descended the stairs, their expressions grave yet resolved, as they approached Mina and Wonwoo. The air in the room felt charged with tension, each member of the group acutely aware of the weight of the conversation about to unfold.

Mingyu coughed to achieve the attention of Mona and Wonwoo who pretended not to see them.

"We had a long heartfelt discussion, and have decided to end things."

Mina gasped softly, her eyes filled with concern, while Wonwoo's heart raced with a mixture of emotions he couldn't quite comprehend. Mina reached out to comfort Lisa, while Wonwoo struggled to process the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in his mind.

Amidst the somber atmosphere, a flicker of hope stirred within Wonwoo's heart.

"Won, I'm going to take Lisa home." Mina said, breaking Wonwoo from his trance. He slowly nodded and watched them leave out the front door.

Now that Mingyu and Wonwoo found a moment alone, Mingyu's eyes sparkled with a mixture of relief and anticipation.

"Wonwoo, I... I'm glad it's over between Lisa and me," he confessed, his voice tinged with excitement. "Now we can explore what's between us without any obstacles."

Wonwoo's heart skipped a beat at Mingyu's words, torn between the rush of longing and the weight of his current relationship.

"Mingyu, I... I don't know," he stammered, his gaze drifting to the floor as guilt gnawed at his insides. "I'm still with Mina, and I don't know how to end things without hurting her."

Mingyu's smile faltered slightly, his expression filled with understanding.

"Wonwoo, I know it's difficult, but we can't ignore what we feel for each other," he urged gently, reaching out to grasp Wonwoo's hand. "We owe it to ourselves to pursue our happiness, even if it means facing some tough decisions along the way."

Wonwoo's heart ached at Mingyu's words, torn between his guilt and the desire burning within him for something more with Mingyu.

"I just... I don't want to hurt anyone," he whispered, his voice barely above a murmur.

"You should've thought about that before you kissed me at the party." Mingyu squeezed Wonwoo's hand playfully, his eyes filled with unwavering determination. "We'll figure it out together, Wonwoo," he promised, his voice filled with conviction. "No matter what happens, we'll face it together."

As they stood there, their hands entwined, Wonwoo felt a glimmer of hope stirring within him.

"Okay." Wonwoo responded, causing Mingyu to break out into a grin. "I just need... some time." Wonwoo let out.

"For what?"

"To see if this really what I want." Mingyu's smile faltered at that.

"What do you mean?" Mingyu asked.

"Mingyu I barely know you. We've been... friends... for like two weeks." Wonwoo responded causing Mingyu to let go.

"Won, I just ended my year long relationship for you." Mingyu spoke, a tinge of sadness in his voice.

"I didn't ask you to do that." Wonwoo said, looking into Mingyu's eyes. "Mingyu I-"

"It's fine Won. Gimme a call when you actually want me." Mingyu picked up his jacket from the living room floor and walked out the door. Wonwoo felt like he was suffocating, gasping for air, he ran up to his bedroom and fell on his bed, sobbing into his pillow.

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