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Hiya Readers|! May I just mention how much I love The Forest Boys in the previous part, I don't know why. More Forest Boys content, anyone? Stuff gets real in this chapter so be ready! Also, am so sorry that this is all done in Kevin's POV! TW: Steve Blade (because you guys hate him so much, he's now a TW) and also Gotswana comes in with his little problem :) Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Kevin Price's POV

It turns out that Arnold had managed to give himself a third-degree burn and that me and him have to be taken to the local hospital.. Yay..

Arnold had forced the man to let me come with them, so we sit in the small red ford car with me and Arnold in the back as a nice Elder named  Elder Jamie drives us to the hospital. There are a few people at that hospital which I don't really want to meet again so I wasn't exactly thrilled at the idea of me coming with Arnold, but if it helps him then I wouldn't want to cause any more discomfort for my best friend. 

"Here we are!" Elder Jamie calls as he unbuckles his seatbelt and reaches for the car door.

"Thank you, Sir, I can always take Arnold in from here!" I say as I stand opposite the man. Arnold whimpers as he cradles his scolded hand in a wet paper towel.

Apparently, a wet piece of hand towel was the best they could give him until he got proper medical attention. Why did they even have fire starting lessons if they didn't have the right medical supplies for god's sake?

I take Arnold in to the small hospital and we quickly get seen to by a man named Dr. Gotswana. He seems a nice fellow with a broad smile on his face. However, once we walked into his small office, it seemed as if he may have... a slight addiction to the male anatomy.

There was split diagram of a... male genital with... small maggots in the end of it? I don't know, but it seemed as if this guy was a maniac. Arnold stares at the pictures in horror.

"Now, my friend, what can I help you with today?" he sings joyfully as I sit in the small blue chair. Arnold jumps up onto the  bed, almost falling off in the process as Gotswana examines his hand. 

"Well, Arnold here stuck his hand into a fire..." I say trying to make the boy not sound like an irresponsible two-year-old. 

"Ah! And... why did you do that?"

I see the look of Arnold's face as he looks out of the window.

"It's them... the kittens... they're always watching... always..."

I try not to laugh.

"Oh... okay then, let's get this all dressed up the you should be good to go!"

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. 'Cruel Summer' by Taylor Swift begins playing. Uh. Oh.

I take a step outside to answer the phone, trying to ignore the anarchy breaking out in the Doctor's office at the sound of the woman's voice. I loved Taylor Swift: she's one of the best singers in the world. Connor agreed with that too and back in Uganda we would always sing and dance to her songs, well he would dance and we would both do a bit of the singing. We have always dreamed of going to a Taylor Swift concert together.

I answer the phone.


"Um hi Kevin, slight situation... May or may not have shut my finger in a door and had to go to the hospital because of it..." Jack explains from the other end of the line. I hear him inhale sharply.

"Oh man, I'll come and visit you! I'm here with Arnold so it won't be too much of a walk. Is anyone else here with you?"

"I know your going to flip, but Steve's here too. He can't know that I've shown you the video and whenever I try and get away from him he just... follows!"

"I gotcha buddy. Hey, before I come and visit you I'll quickly go to the bathroom."

"Are you sure Arnold won't be ready to leave by the time you've came to find me?"

I turn around and hear Arnold's sheepish shrieks from inside the room as Gotswana tries to calm him down.

"Nah, I'm sure he'll be fine."


I push open the door into the bathroom. I smell the disinfectant before the bright white hospital lights blare down at me. I only wanted to come in here to message Connor and make sure everything at the camp's ok; I didn't need anyone to distract me. There is nobody else in here so it seemed to be the perfect spot. 

I lean against the wall, one hand on the hand towel dispenser as I open WhatsApp.

The door creaks open as a pair of polished black shoes waltz in. His hair is blonde and perfect. His eyes pierce the air. His fake grin. Steve Blade..

We make eye contact for a split second as Steve walks over to wash his hands. I close my phone and stare up at his reflection in the mirror. His face is red.

"Oh hey, Kevin!" he says as if we hadn't met before "How've you been?"

It takes every ounce if strength in my body to not punch the dickhead in the face.

"Alright." I answer as I begin to send a message to Connor.

"And is... Elder McKinley, alright?" he asks as he turns around. I stare. He smirks. He knows what he's doing. 

No reply.

"I mean, after all of that fire and all of the othe-"

"Just shut up, Steve! I know what you're playing at." I shout as I tuck my phone away into my pocket and begin to square him up. He stumbles backwards. I'm a few centimetres taller than him (thanks to my hair). I begin to corner him.

"If you touch him or do anything that will hurt him in any way, I will be after you, I will find you, Steve." I bang my hand on the wall to emphasise my point. 

I feel the anger pulse through me, the tenseness through my spine, the sweat dripping from my brow, the furious red my face has now turned. I couldn't give a shit about how loud or violent I am being. Nobody does anything that will harm Connor.

"You think your smart, Price. And you are. I would've been scared of you if it wasn't for that precious little video... A few clicks and perfect super-Mormon Kevin Price will be destroyed. Just one... two... three..." On three he spins out of the corner and strides towards the door. He pauses just before. "And always remember." he taps the side of his phone before leaving.

I'm not scared of him. I'm not scared of what he can do to me. The only thing I'm scared about is what he can do to Connor...

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