The First Lesson

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Hiya Readers!!! This is a pretty rubbish chapter tbh but I just want to move the story along a bit more! TW: homophobia/ Homophobic slurs. Hope you enjoy!!! :))

Chris Thomas's POV

Yikes... he really did like him...

When I walk into my cabin and see Connor painting Elder Price's nails, it was one thing to say that I was shocked. 

"Uhh.... You alright there, Conny?" I ask as I chuck my bag onto a top bunk of a bunk bed. 

"Oh hiya Chris! Just painting Kevin's nails!" Connor smiled.

"And he wanted that done?"

"I mean, Con here insisted that he does my nails and I couldn't say no to him!" Kevin piped up, his face flushing red. 

"Ok... Well, I'm going to go and find James, see you guys in the lunch hall for our first scripture study?" I say as I head towards the door once again. 

"Yeah! Bye Chris!" Connor calls as I leave the cabin.

Connor McKinley's POV

"Hello! My name is Sister Anne and I will be conducting your first scripture study whilst at this camp!" Sister Anne spoke. She had dark hair and that unnatural smile all Mormons seem to have. I know, I have that smile sometimes too, but I actually tried to tell my eyes that I was smiling instead of just putting my teeth on display. 

I heard James give a little whoop from where he and Chris were sitting next to each other. They tried to hide their laughter.

"Elder Thomas and Elder Church, can we please keep the laughing to a minimum as we need to focus on the task at hand." Sister Anne spoke as she shot them one of her creepy smiles again "Right, before we begin may I request that we have a quick uniform check as this is one of the camp's daily procedures. All jackets off please!"

"This is just like high school again!" I say to Kevin, who is sat to the right of me. On the left is Ben Schrader, also one of my former missionaries. Ben was a quiet boy, and was paired with Zach Zelder to help balance the emotions out. He never spoke much and often could be seen spending his time reading or immersed in his Cat Video Games. 

"Con you don't think we'll get told off for our nails-" Kevin began.

"Shit." I say as I shove my hands into my trouser pockets. Kevin follows suit and does the same. 

I see Chris staring at me from across the table. He begins to mouth something at me. I look back at him, confused. He points to his own shirt pocket before pointing back at me. Sister Anne is already checking Ben's attire. I wouldn't have time to take the small rainbow heart badge off of my pocket before she saw-

"And Elder McKinley.... what is this?" she asks as she points towards the small heart. 

"A.... badge?"

"A rainbow badge. Mr McKinley, do you know that homosexuality is strictly prohibited in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?"

"Yes, Sister Anne, I do know that. You see-"

"No Elder McKinley, I do not see. Now remove this badge at once before I report you to the head of Camp. You should be ashamed for encouraging this sort of filth in The Church. I am utterly disappointed."

Oh the amount of time he had heard those words before. 

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