Kevin Price

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Hiya Readers!!! This part takes in Kevin's car when he is around thirteen. This is a very short part as I couldn't think of any more to write.

TW: negativity about Autism.

Also, I am so so so sorry if I have got any parts about this wrong! I do not have Autism but have read a few articles about it but I apologise if anything in this fanfic isn't up to scratch! Every person is different with their own special quirks so labels do not define who you are as a person!

Hope you enjoy!!!!

Kevin Price's POV

Hitting Sister Anne reminded me of the time I had punched my sister because she had touched my Nintendo Switch without asking. I know, I wasn't the most nicest of children but there was an explanation behind it all...


"Now Kevin honey, Mommy has done some research about your... behaviour recently and me and your father have decided to take you to a... very nice young man who will help us get things rightened out!" my Mom says as we begin to drive away from the school's front gates.

I do know that my behaviour and addiction to my Nintendo hasn't been the healthiest lately, but could I help it? I mean, Mario Kart just released a new race track, for crying out loud, and I needed to try it with every one of my karts to see what one I could finish it the quickest in.

We drive for a while in silence, the sound of a Mormon Chat Show playing on the radio. Mom loves that podcast and I don't see why. It's just a bunch of old guys sitting around a table gossiping about The Book of Mormon.

Finally, we arrive at a small building in the middle of Salt Lake as Mom hops out of the car. Hesitantly, I follow behind.

'One, Two, Three...' the sign above the door read.

It was a converted shop in amongst the high street. It stood out from the rest of the old looking shops with it's hospital-white, sterilized modern look. I could already smell the reek of hospital pouring through the crevices of the building, making me want to throw up.

"Mom, what the heck is this place?" I ask turning to face her. She had a look of steel on her face as she stares at the bleach-white building.

"Hurry up Kevin, and stop asking questions!"


I sit opposite from a man with a bright blue suit on. It hurts my eyes.

"Do you have friends, Kevin?" he asks, his bland voice reverberating out across the small stuffy room.

I stare him down before answering.

"Yes... Lot's actually..." I say, proud of myself. He definitely wasn't expecting that...

"And it says that you have a slight addiction to... 'Mario Kart?'"

The man stares at me, awaiting my answer. Sweat drops off of his bald head as the wind from a nearby fan pushes it off.

"I wouldn't call it an addiction you see, Mario Kart is a very strategic game which only the greatest people of all time can play. You see, I don't have an addiction, just a need to keep on going other wise it feels as if I might just... die..." I explain as the man jots stuff down onto his clipboard, looking totally uninterested.

"And it also says... Disney World in Orlando?"

I gasp. Orlando. I love Orlando. The bright lights, the big dreams, Epcot Centre. It's as if I could see the ball!

I begin to rock slightly in my seat as I explain everything about Disney to the man in front of me, all of the characters, the movies, the castle, the true love and especially the fact that there is a Disney Land in Orlando!

After I finish explaining, the man looks up at me and stares, the same bored look on his face.

"And does anything bother you? Like clothing or different types of feelings?" the man asks.

"Oh heck yes, not wearing socks, wet sleeves, the feel of pasta in your mouth-" I try to not stop myself retching at the thought. "there's quite a lot more but I won't bore you with all of that stuff..."

The man jots something down before moving on.

"And are you smart in school?"

"Nope. Apart from at math and PE. The rest is just nonsense for nerds.."

"That's the last of my questions, now if you could please ask your Mother to come in for a word. You will have to wait outside."


I press my ear to the thin wooden door, trying to hear the conversation unfolding inside.

"Your son is on the Autistic Spectrum, Mrs Price, quite high in some areas like fixations and sensory avoidances but low in some others like social and friendships. He is a very lovely lad who is passionate about his intre-"

"What will this do to him in later life?"

"Uh, uhm... well it may make him confused about his feelings, especially romantic ones, he may focus on a certain subject for long periods of time, issues making friends, many different types of avoidances but what you should be proud of is what a lovely son you have, Mrs Price. "

My Mom sighs.

"Tha-thank you Doctor, this has helped so so much." she didn't sound like she meant it.

My Mom appeared from the room as I scuttle back into one of the waiting area chairs, making out that I was reading a magazine about 'America's Latest Fashion Trends'.


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