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Why oh why does my writers block finally come undone when I'm writing about silly gay Mormons? Anyways, this part takes place back in Uganda on Kevin's first night on his mission. Also this part is VERY heavy with dialogue!!! Hope you enjoy :))

Connor McKinley's POV

"Elders... We're glad your here..." I say as I exit the room.

"May I just say, Connor, I think you came on a little too hard with the straight act-" Chris began as I headed into our bedroom.

"Oh do please be quiet Christopher Thomas, you're the one who kicks me out of my own bedroom so that James can-"

"Shhhh! They might hear you! And I told you that in confidence!" James shushed as I went quiet. 

"Hmph." I huffed as I remove my tap shoes and pink waistcoat. I then hang them up in my closet and sit opposite Chris on the end of his bed.


"Yes Connor,"

"Take my hands,"

"Oh darn it, your not going to do the whole coming out hullabaloo again are you?"

"Uhh... No? ...."

"Well get on with it Conny"

"I think I'm in love."



"With.... who?" 

"Listen, I know it sounds quick, and it really has been quick, but I think I love... wait I know that I love... Kevin..."

Chris gasped.

"May I just say, Kevin Price is the straightest person I have ever met, for him to be somewhat having gay thoughts would take something incredible!"

"I know, I know, it's probably a silly crush but, I mean, it could be possible that he's not straight? We were friends for years before and I never guessed that you would be-"



"Just don't get your hopes too high, Conny. You know what happened after Steve Blade."

Even the name of the ten year old boy from years ago brought shivers going down my spine. 

I climb into bed. I know what awaits me the moment I close my eyes.


Instead of waking up to see a pissed off Chris, I wake up alone. My hair's a mess and my bodies so warm it feels as if I've been cooked on a stove. I sit in a pool of my own sweat. I look to my right to see my mission companion, asleep peacefully.

I stare out into the darkness. That was one of the worst hell dreams I've ever had. 

I don't register how long I've sat staring into space for until I hear a sound from the room opposite me. At first, I started off as a whimper before turning into full fledged shouting. I couldn't tell if the sound was just playing in my head as Chris hadn't seemed to wake up and it seemed that no one else had bothered to leave the comfort of their beds to see what the racket was about. With a sigh, I hop up from my bed and creak the door open.

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