i'll be loving you right: saturday (hongjoong & jongho)

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Thank you all so much for waiting for this story! I hope you enjoy it.


Jongho woke up sandwiched between Yunho and Yeosang the next morning. He knew it was them only because Yeosang tended to give little kitten snores when he was sleeping deeply and Yunho was simply the only person of that particular size in the Ateez dorm.

He couldn't see them, because it was still fucking dark outside.

Grumbling at the unfairness of once again getting way too little sleep, Jongho screwed his eyes shut and tried to doze off again.

He was a bit sweaty, having been sardined between Yunho and Yeosang the entire night. The feeling of wet pillow against his face and damp sheets against his knees were unpleasant. Not thinking, he rolled over to lie on his back.

Which was...a mistake.

Jongho scrambled to get the weight off his poor aching rear. He ended up kneeling at the foot of the bed, cursing softly under his breath.

There was no way he'd go back to sleep now.

Careful not to disturb his still sleeping hyungs, he clambered over Yeosang's feet and got off the bed. Walking hurt too, though not nearly as bad as sitting or lying down.

The hallway was quiet and dark.

Jongho limped all the way downstairs. He poured himself a glass of water from the fridge. He was terribly thirsty, he realised as he took a sip from it. Probably all the bloody crying he'd been doing last night. His eyes were puffy too, his eyelids all sluggish and uncomfortable against the swelling. He drained the first glass and poured himself another, carrying it into the living room.

The clock above the mantelpiece showed that it was a quarter past four.

Jongho leaned morosely against the back of the couch, sipping at his water.

It was totally and completely unfair that he wasn't sleeping right now. It really was.

At least it was Saturday.

The day he'd been yearning for and dreading in equal measure. He only had Hongjoong left to face, and then it would all be over.

He only had Hongjoong left to face, but that also meant that he still had Hongjoong left to face.

Jongho finished the second glass of water as well, going back to the kitchen to put it in the sink. He stood in the dark kitchen for a moment, pondering his options.

Then, with a sigh, he went back upstairs.

Seonghwa and Hongjoong's door was open just a crack. Jongho pushed it open further.

In the faint pinkish glow of the nightlight that Seonghwa kept on the bedstand, Jongho could see that both the '98-liners were still sleeping peacefully. He tip-toed carefully across the floor and crouched next to the captain's bed, ignoring the twinge in his ass.

Hongjoong was lying on his side. He looked much younger than he usually did, the careworn look he so often carried ironed from his face by sleep.

Jongho watched him, questioning his decision to come and wake him up. Hongjoong was probably pretty tired to, and it wasn't really fair to disturb his sleep as well.

Just as he was about to quietly get up again, Hongjoong's eyes cracked open. He peered at Jongho, flinging out an arm to pat clumsily at Jongho's head.

"Jjong? Wha's the matter? Wanna sleep with hyung?"

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