i'll be loving you right: wednesday (san & jongho)

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Jongho woke early on Wednesday morning. It was still fairly dark in the room, but he could see the beginnings of dawn turning the blinds grey. Below him, he heard Yeosang and Wooyoung's deep, peaceful breathing. He didn't hear any other sounds of the members moving around in the dorm, so he guessed that it was still some time before they had to wake up for schedules. He didn't want to look at his phone. The bright light would wake him completely. Tucking the covers up to his chin, Jongho tried to go back to sleep.

He didn't manage to fall asleep again, however, because his mind started mulling over everything that had happened over the past few days and weeks.

Mingi had been right. He had been feeling horribly guilty ever since he'd broken his promise to Hongjoong and had smoked again. In the moment, still a little drunk and confused, he'd seriously begged Yunho and Wooyoung not to tell the captain. The whipping he'd got, many months ago when Seonghwa had caught him smoking on the rooftop of their dorm building and had promptly handed him over to Hongjoong, had been bad enough that the mere memory of it made his ass clench with nervousness. He had not wanted seven spankings like that in a row. So, his relief had been immense when his hyungs had relented and agreed not to snitch on him to Hongjoong.

The relief had been immense, but also incredibly short-lived. The guilt gnawed on him, like a dog worrying at a bloody bone.

As the days went on, his guilt grew stronger. The fact that the 99-liners also seemed out of sorts did not help. Yunho watched his every move like a hawk, as did San and Wooyoung, constantly whispering to each other. Worse was Yeosang, who didn't look at Jongho at all except for the occasional disappointed frown. And worst of all was Mingi, who Jongho found rifling through his drawers on three separate occasions. He couldn't make Mingi say it, but it was painfully obvious Mingi was looking for stashed cigarettes.

Jongho prided himself on being a good man, but a man was only ever truly as good as his word was. And how good could Jongho's word be, after breaking a promise to his captain and not even seeking forgiveness for such a grave misstep?

Forgiveness that he couldn't easily obtain by just going to Hongjoong and confessing because doing that would mean directly snitching on his 99-hyungs. And that his internal honour code couldn't accept either.

That was how he found himself back at the Stray Kids dorms, trying to hand a cigarette to Hyunjin. Who looked at him like he'd grown a second head and slapped the packet out of his hand hard enough that it bounced off the far wall.

"Dude, are you crazy!?"

Maybe Jongho was a little, at that point.

Hyunjin's shout had brought Chan jogging in from the next room. Hyunjin, bless his heart, had attempted to cover for Jongho at first. But Jongho had doggedly picked up the packet of cigarettes to show them to Chan and from there on out it was a done deal. Chan had looked incredibly disappointed and had sent him home, as Jongho had expected he would. And he'd called Hongjoong and Hongjoong had come home looking like he was willing to bite someone's head clean off and had made all of them line up in the living room to get scolded. Everything was exactly like Jongho had predicted.

What he had not predicted, could not have predicted, was Hongjoong commandeering the 99-liners to spank him.

It had been a shock.

They often said that there was no hierarchy in Ateez, and nowhere was it more true than between Jongho and the 99-liners. With Seonghwa and Hongjoong you could play around a lot, but there were firm lines too. Lines you didn't cross, unless you wanted to cry yourself to sleep that night.

Between Jongho and the 99-liners, there was just a vague sort of blurring that could have been a line if you crossed your eyes and squinted at it upside down from several kilometres away while riding an electric scooter.

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