sun, sand, and a brat in your hand (san & wooyoung)

978 13 19

Written for day 14 of Spanktember 2023. The prompt is "Outdoor Spanking"

It was a bright, soaring day. Not too warm, but still warm enough to be unequivocally summer in a bubbling sort of way.

Wooyoung felt decidedly bubbly too, as he swam around in the shallow waves of a small beach off one of the smaller islands around Namhae. Frolicked, he supposed, was a better term, considering all the splashing he was doing. The sea water was refreshingly cold and the sun warm on his bare arms. 

It was the first proper day of their break. San and he had gotten on a train immediately following their last schedule the previous day, but it had taken them the better part of the evening to reach Namhae. They didn't have the energy then for much more than greeting San's parents, eating heartily and going to bed.

But today was a fresh day, a beautiful scrumptiously fresh one at that, and Wooyoung wasn't half sure whether there could possibly be an end to his energy. It would have been the perfect morning at the beach, if only San wasn't being silly.

San was sitting cross-legged a little way up on the beach on the dry part of the sand. He was too far to splash - Wooyoung had tried countless times. He was apparently too far to be too bothered by Wooyoung's most irritating whines either. That, Wooyoung had tried numerous times as well. But San stayed where he was.

Around him on the sand was spread a few different maps and other documents full of squiggly lines. He held a clipboard, on which he was dutifully noting down all kinds of notes. As far as Wooyoung had managed to understand, or as far as he had been willing to pay attention to what San was explaining on their boat ride out to the islands this morning, it had something to do with the sea erosion. It wasn't anything official, San's dad just liked to keep his eye on the islands around the village he was the head of. Just in case there was something obvious that needed reporting to the larger government office in the province.

So, the first part of their morning had been spent on the Choi family's sturdy little motorboat, circling so many times around so many little islands that Wooyoung was sure that he'd throw up any moment. And then, when they'd finally laid anchor at one of the bigger islands and Wooyoung had asked if they could finally swim and have fun now, San had said 'in a moment, I promise, I just have to make a few notes'. That 'moment' was now about two hours long, if Wooyoung wasn't mistaken. He wasn't wearing a watch and the sun hadn't moved all that much, so maybe he was mistaken, but it was still a lot more than a moment.

He allowed a small wave to wash him higher up onto the shore, giving San a plaintive wave.

"San-ah! Choi San! Come play with me! This is a holiday not a part-time job!"

San lifted his head to give him a quick smile, but he went straight back to writing. "Just a few more minutes, Woo. I'll be with you in a moment."

Wooyoung sulked, rolling onto his back and letting the waves drift him back into deeper water. It wasn't fair, it really wasn't. They were supposed to be having fun, not spending all their time working. And it wasn't even as if San's dad had asked him to do it! San had seen the clipboard and the maps lying out near the front door, and had immediately insisted on being the one to do it. Which was very filial of him and all that, Wooyoung supposed. But they only had two days!

He had drifted a little far, he realised, and he turned onto his stomach to swim back to shore. San was still bent over the clipboard, paying him no attention. Not even a little bit. He probably wouldn't even notice if Wooyoung were to drift all the way out to sea. Wooyoung could end up all the way in fucking Japan before San would notice.

Deciding that he had nothing better to do than test his theory, Wooyoung turned around and started swimming away from shore. He'd go out only a little way further, and then he'd come back. It would serve San right if he looked up and got a fright at how far Wooyoung had gone out.

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