[AU] you see i'm rather understanding of mutinies (hongjoong & jongho)

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This has been posted on my AO3 since last year's Spanktember, but I figured I'd add it here now that I have a book for Ateez!

It's a Jongho-centric Pirate AU that I plan on extending on some time in the future.


One small thing of hope, among all others of increasingly depressing aspect, was that Jongho had not literally been clapped in irons.

Take that recusant below and clap him in irons - that had been the Captain's order upon their return to the Atropos , delivered in a tone that still chilled Jongho to the bone just thinking about it. Or perhaps it was just the damp, creaking planks of the brig that he had been sitting on ever since the First Mate had taken him below.

Yunho had been surprisingly kind, leading him below decks and ushering him into the brig without the blows and shoves and kicks that Jongho had fully been expecting. He had even leaned on the other side of the door a moment, tattooed arms resting on the thick iron bars.

"Don't fret too much, boy."


"The Captain's not a monster. He'll listen fairly to your side of the matter. Just be honest with him."

"Aye-aye, sir," Jongho had said uncertainly, not sure what to think. Listen fairly? He had disobeyed direct orders from his captain - mutiny, by the law of the seas. If he was lucky, Captain Hongjoong would just hang him and spare him the torture of a flogging before his death. Maybe that was what Yunho meant. If he was honest and took responsibility for his crime, he would die a quick death.

Jongho let his head thunk back into the solid wood behind him.

He wondered whether his mother still thought of him. He would have been reported lost at sea, together with the rest of the crew of the Navy ship whereon he had started his seafaring career. He had been the only one to get picked up by the Atropos after God only knows how many days, clinging onto a piece of that wretched vessel, something dogged and stubborn and angry keeping him alive. He had always imagined what it would be like, going back to his mother someday. It was better, however, that she thought him lost at sea, than that she knew that he had turned pirate. Better that she thought that he had drowned, than that she knew that he had been hanged as an honourless mutineer.

The iron gate clanged, startling Jongho out of his thoughts.

"We're clear of the bay now and onto open waters," Yunho said, as though he expected Jongo to be pleased by the report. "The Captain has summoned you."

"Aye-aye, sir," Jongo said. "Shouldn't you shackle me, sir?"

"What for?" Yunho gave him an interested look. "Don't tell me you're planning an escape, lad. I would strongly advise against it. You're already in trouble, aren't you?"

"No, sir, I just...the Captain said to clap me in irons."

"Ach." Yunho tugged him to his feet. "He's a over-dramatic, our little captain. Come on, lad."

Jongho was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that the First Mate had just called Captain Hongjoong 'little' (he was, but that was entirely besides the point) when they arrived in the gangway before the Captain's quarters. Jongho tried to straighten his threadbare jacket as neatly as possible, while Yunho knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

"Better take off your hat," Yunho said, kindly.

Jongho ripped his battered tricorne from his head with a gulp.

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