i'll be loving you right: thursday (yeosang & jongho)

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i'm sorry guys, it's really been more than two months since the last update 😩

the most important thing that happened to me in these two months is that i saw Ateez live for the first time!!! it was so freaking amazing and the trajectory of my life has been forever changed by hearing Jongho's voice with my own two ears. and also by hearing him squawk when Seonghwa tried to sneak a kiss 😭

i hope you enjoy this part!


messages that Yeosang typed but never sent

Monday: 99z groupchat


i'll go first <3


i'll go second then


i don't want to be difficult but could- [erased before completion]

Tuesday: to Wooyoung


r u ok? how was jongho's reaction? did he cry? fucking hell kang yeosang you can't just ask ppl that fuck-[erased before completion]

Tuesday: to Seonghwa


hyung r u still awake can i talk to u pls

Wednesday: to Hongjoong


Hyung can I- [erased before completion]


Hyung I need to talk to you.

Thursday: to Seonghwa


hyung i really need to talk to u


i'm nervous i don't think i can do it


i'm not worried about spanking jongho i mean i am worried about spanking jongho but not about the spanking part that's kinda okay i've been on the other enough times to know what to do. and i know jongho won't give me any trouble and that is what actually makes me so worried bc i'd rather he give me trouble and actually express his emotions than hold everything in. he's so protective of me, hyung, he'll hold everything in just so i don't have to feel bad about making him cry.

Thursday: to Hongjoong


Hyung, I'm very sorry I just can't do it. But I know I have to. I promise I'll try.


If there was on thing that Jongho hated it was disappointing Yeosang.

Yeosang never got angry, but his quiet disappointment was far worse than any fit of anger. Running barefoot across hot coals was preferable to having Yeosang look at you with those large, hurt eyes and gently say: "Why did you do that? I don't like it. Don't do it again, please."

With the looks Yeosang had been sending him for the past two weeks, there was no doubt that he was indeed disappointed with Jongho.

So, it was with more than a little nervous apprehension that Jongho waited on his bed that Thursday evening.

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