29 chapter

250 19 4

Let's start 😘😘 ........................

Nut................. I'm not understanding what hia is thinking ....

Ping................ Relax your hia know what he's doing ...

Nut................... Yes i know but i'm getting worried .. I mean i know my uncle very well and to win the war he can do anything and anything mean anything ....

Ping................... Nut please ... Please relax i promise i'm going to do my best to keep everything and everyone together .. no one is going to get hurt ..

Nut..................... Hope so .. husband is everything okay there ? Everyone is safe ?

Ping.................... Don't worry everyone is safe and everything is fine there it's look like they just want to destroy Vegas ...

Nut...................... Of course uncle want  it from the time hia born that's why he never let hia to get train to be king he only focus to train p'kinn ..... Wait .. husband p'kinn is he with uncle ?

Ping..................... Nut we will know it soon .... But for now relax and take some rest .... Come let's sleep ...
( Nut smile and get on bed after removing his upper clothes while ping also get on bed .. soon the time nut hug ping he feel sleepy and soon he sleep in his husband's arms forgetting everything )
Hope everything get fine soon i can't see nut like this he's really worried for his family and specially his hia ... My lord please help us ...

Porsche........... Chay are you fine ?
( As Porsche saw chay getting in room with Kim he gets up and hug his brother and ask but chay just shake his head as yes that he's fine )
What happen Kim ? Where was chay ?

Kim.............. In his room .... Now when he's here so you all stay here to be safe ...
( Saying this Kim left while chay turn to look at him having tears in his eyes Porsche saw it so he take chay little far but still in that old room )

Porsche.......... What is going on chay ?
Chay are you saying or should i ask Kim ? Which blender you make this time ? Chay i'm asking you something tell me dammit ?

Chay............... Kim know everything about me liking Macau and ...

Porsche............ What the ??? Chay have you lost your mind idiot why you tell Kim about this ? O God what is he thinking now ?

Chay................ About leaving me .....

Porsche........... What you said ?

Chay................ I didn't tell him anything he had know everything from start and he said after all this what is happening we'll be over he's going to leave me ....

Porsche............. Chay i'm telling you if Kim leave you than you going have nothing but just your stupidity .... Pa give you to Kim because he know that Kim is best for you Kim have all those things which a wife want in his husband but unfortunately you lost that diamond because of your stupidity and your obsessed with Macau which you call love but in real you don't even know the mean of love because if you have know what love is than you have know how much Kim love you but again you make yourself blind with your obsessed with Macau chay right now i'm just feeling sorry for you ....... And yes please don't go out of this room for god sake and i'm really hoping that you will at least going to listen to me this time outside is not safe .....
( Saying this Porsche went to Rose who was sitting near a big window which was closed by spell too just like door ... While chay who was thinking about what Macau told him and now after hearing his own hia he start thinking from beginning of the day when he gets engaged with Kim that was the first time he saw Kim but he didn't give attention because that time his love ( obsessed ) for Macau was super fresh .. he remembered how softly Kim hold his hand to slip ring in his finger and that soft smile by Kim ... Chay was remembering every single moment of him being with Kim and Kim taking care of him without saying anything and without knowing remember all this chay shave start crying but not loudly )

Kim........... Phi do you know what pa is up too ?

Kinn........... No ... I have no idea it just pa said to do what he said and when he said .....

Kim............. It's not right phi .. I mean Vegas win the crown from you than why pa is still on this ... Phi I hope we are not going to do something which is going to make us regret ....

Kinn............. But we never leave pa too Kim .. no matter what he said we have to do ....

Kim.............. Even if he told us to kill our own blood relative are we going to do it ?

Kinn............. Kim i'm already having many things in my mind please don't add more in it .... And we will see if pa will be wrong than we will think what to do but for now let's keep quiet .....

Kim............. Fine but remember phi I'm not going to do anything which is wrong ....
( Kim left from kinn's office room while kinn just look at door and repeat whatever Kim said right now )

Tawan.......... I don't think we have more time now ?

Korn.............. Of course .. and all because of your stupidity ... Told you .. I told you to be careful than how that Basterd ping get to know about all of us ?

Tawan............ I really don't know how but when i return to my room he was already in there waiting for me ..

Laura............. It's not good at all tawan and now i'm sure he have inform Vegas all this already and make him to get one step above from us ..

Time.............. That's not going to happen .... Actually ping is still in his castle and tomorrow morning he is going to send someone to fire world with this information ....

Korn............... It's a good thing for us .. because of course tomorrow that person is going to die in his way ...

Time................ Absolutely .. this thing will be done by me ...

Tawan............. But still we shouldn't take more time now .. Korn when we know what is our goal and how to get it than for what we waiting ?

Korn................ Things doesn't work in hurry tawan and also the thing which i'm preparing for my dear nephew is still not ready so for that we have to wait but .... But I promise not for long just for more three days .....

Laura.............. Hope your three days get over soon so I can also get what i want ....

Korn................. Of course you going to get that ice Prince which is now queen of fire ........

* Guys thank you so much for your support and for your wait I'm sorry please forgive me for being late but trust me i really have my own personal problems so hope you would mind ............

OUR BEAUTIFUL LOVE STORY Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang