first chapter ( THE WAR FOR BEEN THE NEW KING )

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Let's start 😉😉 .........


There was a WAR going on between two cousins brothers for to be a new KING OF FIRE PHOENIX WORLD'S .....

And as both cousins was fighting nonstop and seeing them like this Thier mothers was getting worried and scared about Thier son's LIFE ....... Because looking at them it was like that today one of them will WIN and the other one will DIE ......

Rosé....... I don't understand why we have to do this war ?? When KINN is the first Bron of THEERAPANYAKUL family .......

Sara......... What you want to say phi ?? It's not about who is the first Bron and who is not ...... It's all about POWER ....

Rosé......... Sara you like to see your son in blood but I don't ...... And it's kinn rights to be the next KING ......

Sara......... Who said that phi rosé ?? And if kinn is that stronger than why are you scared ??? He will WIN this WAR and become the KING ........

Rosé......... Sara can't you see they both are in pool of blood ??

Sara......... Phi rosé I didn't saw even a drop of blood which come out of my son ...........

Rosé........ Don't be so greedy Sara ....

Sara......... I'm not been greedy phi rosé ...... but I'm just saying the true ...

Rosé......... Sara I .......

Porsche......... KINN ......

Rosé.......... What happen Porsche ???
Oh NO ..... He is going to KILL my son .
Korn ......

Porsche........ Mama .....

Sara......... He's really getting out of control ...... He can't kill his own cousin brother ....... 

???....... Hai ....

Sara......... NO ...... Don't go there ......

So the situation was getting out of control now and see HIM like this everyone was so scared for kinn's life now .........

Korn......... what the hell ..... Kan stop your son now ......

Kan.......... Hai you know na he never listen to me ......

Rosé........ KORN ..... Korn please stop this nonsense now .....

Korn........ Rosé relax ....

Rosé......... How can you tell me to be relaxed and see my son who is getting kill by his own cousin brother ......

Sara......... Kan .... Kan he went to him in circle ⭕ ......

Kan......... What ?? Why you let him go there ...... Ooh there he's there .... Ooh baby what you think you doing .....

when they all look at circle ⭕ again and that Kan's SECOND SON was already in the circle ⭕ of death ......
And seeing him there everyone get scared for his life now because he's bottom and bottoms are very sensitive for this much fire ........
But without caring about anything he went to his hai and call him loudly .....

???........ HAI .... Please stop this ..... I'm.. I'm scared ......

And hearing his baby brother's voice he stop his fire power which he was using on kinn and turn in his human form and turn to his baby brother and immediately get calmed ..

????........ What you doing here baby NUT ........

Nut......... Hai I'm scared .....

????......... Did I scared my baby nut ???

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