11 chapter

297 18 4

Let's start 😉😉 ...........

In Ice World .........

Pete......... Hia why today's breakfast have many things ??

Ping........... Because Amma know that you like all this things so she makes it by herself for you .........

Pete.......... Amma is the best ....... Hia you said that you have something to tell me ........

Ping........... Baby actually yesterday God said in meeting that they find MY MATE .......... And ................... YOUR MATE TOO .......

Pete......... Hia it's a good news you going marry and me .........

Pete who happily get up from his site to hug his brother to congratulate him but in last he realise what exactly his brother said .........

Pete......... My ........... My ma....mate .....

Ping.......... Pete ..... Baby listen .... Sit first come ...... Baby see God said that you are special and also that ...... Your mate is special too so you both have to marry each other ..... For each other ....
Pete baby I know what you thinking but You know na that God always do for our best ....... Right ??

Pete......... But hia ......... I don't want to marry I want to stay here with you pa Amma and others ........

Ping........... We also want you to stay with us but baby you know na that Amma always say that destiny is something which get make by his own but not by us so we can't say or do wrong with it ........

Pete......... I know hia but ..... It's about mate and marry so it's not like it's destiny ........

Ping............ Pete it is destiny baby ..... You know who you going to marry ??

Pete......... Who ??

Ping........... FIRE PHOENIX WORLD'S KING .................. KING  VEGAS  KAN  THEERAPANYAKUL .........

Pete........ Hia why I have to marry a king ...... And I don't like fire too .....

Ping........... Baby he's not make by fire .

Pete......... Than why's he fire king ??

Ping.......... Because it's his world which is make by fire ........

Pete........ See ... If I marry him than I have to live in fire ....... Hia fire is hot  and dangerous how I'm going to stay in fire ??????

Ping who think that Pete is confused but now he understand that Pete is scared to think that he will be IN fire which make him laugh a little on his cute innocent Baby brother but seeing his brother who's pouting while his eyes have tears he stop himself and try again to make his lovely brother to understand the situation ..........

Ping........... Pete baby .... Okay see I'm Ice king ... So do i live in ice ball ??

Pete......... No ......

Ping........... That's it ..... He's also fire king but he's also live like us ......

Pete......... So ....... I'm not going to live in fire ??

Ping........... No ..... So are you okay now ?

Pete......... Okay but .......

Ping........... Now what but baby  ??

Pete......... Hia you didn't tell me with who you going to marry ......

Ping............ My mate is fire king Vegas's little brother .......

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