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CHAPTER THIRTY NINE,episode nine, love in the time of dragons

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episode nine, love in the time of dragons.

LOVE. SOME choose to believe it is false, more a fairytale rather than a reality, others believe it only happened in books, and then there was those very few who were lucky to experience it. of course, in reality, arthur and isabella didn't even need to be in love, or even like each other for that matter, their arranged marriage was final. however, like i said previously, these two were very lucky to be able to experience love in the time of dragons.

in all honesty, arthur pendragon hadn't a clue what love truly even was. he had never witnessed it before. his mother died soon after he was born, and his father never remarried or showed an interest in anyone...well, a genuine interest in someone other than a troll. in fact, the said boy was beginning to believe he was falling ill with some sickly disease. so of course, he went to gaius immediately.

his symptoms? in his exact words, "i'm constantly sweating at random points of the day, my mouth goes dry, i am tripping over my words, my stomach feels strange and—"

"arthur." gaius had stopped him, tasing a brow, "when exactly has these symptoms happened?"

"the sweating was...at breakfast, earlier in the village and just a few moments ago. tripping over my words was at breakfast and my stomach felt strange earlier at training when sir leon was speaking to isabella." he explained, getting irritated and not sure why these was important.

gaius attempted to fight off his smile. "oh, dear, me. and am i right to assume isabella was with you during all of those moments? merlin mentioned when isabella walked in at breakfast, you looked pale and clammy."

"well...i mean...it's just a coincidence."

"i'm afraid there is no cure for your illness, good luck." gaius smiled, patting his shoulder.

arthur was at loss for words, "but—i—gaius! what on earth does that mean?"

gaius sighed dramatically, "i'm afraid i cannot help you."

arthur stared at the man in distress and stormed out, heading to the throne room to get back to the work his father asked him to do. on his way, he passed isabella, laughing about something. he looked closer and realised she was sat on the steps in the courtyard, surrounded by estella, gwen and lots of children. she had a book in her hands, and was telling them the story, estella and gwen dramatically acting it out.

he found himself laughing quietly at the three of them. and as if she sensed him, she turned briefly to see him stood by the doors watching. she sent him a wave and he returned it before entering the castle.

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