Chapter 26 💕 I want divorce

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"True. This marriage doesn't really mean anything. We both had some reason or another to marry each other, but I don't think that reason exists anymore," Kabir finally said after much effort.


"Just as you brought something for me, I've also brought something for you," Kabir replied without looking at Amaira.

He placed a file in her hands. Confused, Amaira took the file and eagerly began to read it. But as she started reading, the expression on her face deepened. Her sparkling eyes turned into ones of shock.

"What... what is this? Is this some kind of joke?" Amaira asked, looking at Kabir in disbelief as she read through the papers kept in the file.

"This is not a joke, Amaira. I want to give you your freedom back. Now you don't need to live your life according to others. We got married because we both wanted to make our siblings happy. And now that we'll be separated, I don't think it will cause them any trouble. You'll get to live your life the way you want. I've already signed the divorce papers. You just need to sign them too, then we'll file it in court. The sooner we do this, the sooner you'll get your life back. I want you to have everything you've ever wanted. Being stuck in this loveless relationship isn't doing you any good. Stay free and follow your heart. Always be happy," Kabir spoke directly, hiding his emotions as he looked into Amaira's eyes.

"Is this what you want from me?" Amaira asked. Tears had filled her eyes, a first in these years.

"I want your happiness, Amaira. I know you deserve a joyful life. You deserve love, children. Someone who loves you deeply. I'm not the right choice for you. I still feel guilty for shattering your dreams. I didn't know before... but now I know that you've suppressed your own happiness for the sake of others'. I want you to stop living for others now. Live life on your own terms. You've been living for others, not yourself."

"So, are you saying that if I leave you and give you a divorce, I'll get my happiness back? How?" Amaira asked with great difficulty. "What options are you talking about?"


"What about him?"

"He wants to marry you. He still likes you. If I didn't intervene, you would give him a chance and be happy with him. He's still waiting for you. Go and take your happiness, which you could never find with me."

"What do you want? Do you want me to leave you? Have you grown bored of me so quickly?"

"No, Amaira. You're misunderstanding. I just want your happiness. You're a wonderful person. I feel guilty for forcing you to stay with me, and that's why I feel so guilty."

"So, because you want to wash away your guilt, you've gifted me these divorce papers?"

"I... uh..."

"What did you think I want?" Amaira asked.

"I thought you..."

"Like others, did you also think that without asking me what I want in life, you assumed I want something else? Did you ever consider that maybe I don't want what you're offering me?"

"You don't want this..." Kabir was confused by her words.

"Let's leave aside what I want for a moment. We're friends, right? Can you honestly tell me what you want? I understand we got married for the sake of our families, but now that there's no pressure from them, do you really want me to leave? Do you really think I'll be happy if I walk away?" Amaira asked straightly.

"If you want to hear the truth, I don't want you to go. But yes, I want you to do what makes you happy, not what others want. I gave you these divorce papers because I want you to choose your own path in life. Enough of doing things for others. No one deserves to suffer that way. But I'm not saying this because I don't want you here. You're a wonderful girl, and just being around you brings me joy. But I can't be selfish. I can't keep you away from your happiness just because your presence brings me joy or because it keeps our family happy." Kabir spoke from his heart, but by then, Amaira had started crying.

"Is she crying because I gave her divorce papers? But she never used to cry. Even when she was badly shattered because of Auntie, she didn't cry then either. Even when she married me without caring about her happiness, she didn't cry then either. Now, why? Does this mean she also feels something for me and wants to stay with me? Or is it something else? Are these tears of joy? Is she happy that she will finally marry her love? Is she happy that she is finally free? What is the reason?"

He got so lost in his thoughts that he completely forgot that he should have calmed down Amaira at this moment. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Amaira's voice.

"If you really want me to choose what I want, then I choose this." Amaira tore the divorce papers into pieces and threw them in the air. She was still sobbing.

"Amaira... why... why did you tear them?" Kabir was perplexed.

"Because I don't want a divorce. I want to stay right here. With you. With this family, which is also mine. I married you knowing that we were complete strangers to each other, and could never become a real couple. I never expected anything from this relationship. And now that we have become friends, whatever we have, we are happy with it. I don't want anything else from life now. I am happy with this life because it has given me a very good friend. I can't sacrifice such a good friendship for anything else." Amaira said while crying and then hugged Kabir tightly, while Kabir stood in astonishment. He was very shocked to hear that Amaira wanted to stay with him, she didn't want to leave. She wants to stay right here, with him. Forever. Kabir smiled too and put both his hands around Amaira's back. He also hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry, Amaira. I didn't want to hurt you. I thought it was the right thing for you, but I should have asked you first. And I'm very happy that you handled it with such maturity, and you didn't misunderstand me. I will regret for the rest of my life that I ever called you an immature kid." Kabir said and continued to hug her tightly.

"If you still want me to leave, then get another set of divorce papers made, I'll sign them for you. But never say that my happiness lies elsewhere. It's only with you. Only with you. And I don't care whether you love me or not. I know you love Mahima very much and may think that I'll somehow make you forget her and accept me, but believe me, I never expect you to love me. I truly am very happy with whatever we have, and I want to spend my entire life like this. You're the only person who understands me, who knows how I feel. How can I be happy with anyone else when you're the one who keeps me happy?" Amaira replied. She was still nestled in Kabir's arms.

"She wants to stay right here, with me, but as friends? Just friends? What? Am I the one who just said she's not a kid? Huh!"

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