Chapter 23 💕 Truth

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"I thought Ishan was already inside. If Auntie needs anything, he'll take care of it," Kabir said without looking into Amaira's eyes. Because Amaira was better at it, she understood from his eyes whether Kabir was telling the truth or lying.

"It's not about what mom needs. It's about if I needed you, would you be there with me?" Amaira suddenly asked Kabir, looking at him. Although the situation was so tense, Kabir couldn't stop himself from smiling. He was happy that Amaira needed him, wanted him to stand by her. But it wasn't the time to smile, so he quickly hid his smile.

"Can I ask you something?" Amaira asked again.

"I... uh... I just couldn't go inside the hospital. I'm afraid," Kabir said without any emotion.


"Only fifteen days were left for my and Mahima's wedding, and her shoot was going on. It was her last shoot before our wedding. She was doing an action scene. She insisted on doing it herself and not using a body double. While performing, she lost her balance and fell from the tenth floor of the building. She remained in a coma for fifteen days, and I was with her all the time. I prayed for her, cried, kept wishing for her quick recovery. But on the fifteenth day, she left me. The day our wedding was supposed to happen. Since then, I have never stepped foot in a hospital," Kabir's eyes filled with tears as he recounted. It was the first time he was telling someone about it.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you this. I was just... I..."

"It's okay, Amaira. I also wanted this to come out of me. These memories have haunted me for five years. I hope it won't be like this anymore after today. Anyway, why are you here? Do you need to go home?" Kabir asked, changing the subject.


"What about Auntie? Ishan said you wanted to stay with Auntie tonight."

"There's no need for that. Please take me home."

Kabir started the car. He could sense that something was bothering Amaira, but he remained silent for now. Right now, Amaira needed some peace.


"What are you doing? It's already very late. Don't you need to sleep?" Kabir asked, coming out of the bathroom. Amaira was sitting in front of the mirror, staring at herself.

"I'm trying to find something," Amaira replied. Kabir sat on the bed, but they could still see each other through the mirror.

"Within yourself? Or in the mirror?" Kabir asked with a smile.

"Yeah. Maybe I'll find a clue," Amaira said with a sad tone.

"About what?"

"About life," Amaira said with a heavy heart.

"What's wrong, Amaira? Is something bothering you?" Kabir asked. He was starting to get worried now, as Amaira hadn't said anything either in the car or after coming home.

"Can I ask you something, Mr. Mehra?" Amaira asked, seeming lost.

"Yes. You don't need to ask for permission from me. Go ahead, what do you want to ask?" Kabir said lovingly.

"How do I look?"

"You look very beautiful," Kabir blurted out without thinking, realizing afterward what he had said. But Amaira wasn't expecting that answer, she wanted something else.

"No. I'm not asking this. I know that. But I was asking you how I look? Do I look like Mom?"

"What? What kind of question is that?"

"Just tell me."

"You're scaring me now. Please tell me what's going on?" Kabir was losing his patience.

"Can I confess something to you? Will you keep it a secret?" Amaira said hesitantly, moving closer to Kabir, sitting on the bed beside him.

"Yes, Amaira. I'll always keep your secrets," Kabir promised.

"Do you remember a few months ago you told me that you think my mom is biased? She favors Dee and not me?" She whispered again.

"Yes. What about it?"

"You were right. She is. She's very biased. That's what I've been trying to figure out all this time through the mirror."

"I don't understand."

"You don't understand? Do you think her behavior is such that I'm not her daughter? Like she adopted me from somewhere? Adopted, raised, nurtured, and loved me as if I'm her own daughter. But only like her daughter, not truly understanding me as her own," Amaira's face showed disappointment, and Kabir saw sadness for the first time on this smiling face. He didn't know what had made her so upset.

"What? What are you saying, Amaira? That's not true," Kabir said calmly.

"Why? Why can't it be true? Didn't you say she's biased?" Amaira asked lovingly.

"I did. Maybe I said too much. I didn't mean she's not your mom."

"She's not."

"Why are you saying this? What are you thinking? I'm sure there's a misunderstanding. Did you hear someone else say this?"

"Why would I need someone else to say something when I can see for myself how I'm treated?"

"Look, Amaira, I know your mom is a bit biased towards Ishita, but she's your mom, she cares about you. I don't know about other things, but I'm sure she's definitely your real mom."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because my mom took me to the hospital when your mom admitted and you were born. I was just a baby at that time, but I remember you were a little beautiful baby back then. Uncle was very happy at that time, and Ishita, she was even happier seeing you," Kabir spoke calmly, and Amaira started taking long breaths.

"Oh, Mr. Mehra, why did you shatter my illusion by telling this?"

"Amaira, I really don't understand what you want to say," Kabir was confused.

"I want to say that there must be a reason behind their behavior too because they don't care what I think, what I feel," Amaira said softly.

"That's not true. I care about you."

"Only you do. And no one else."

"They do too. Just understand that they sometimes think about Ishita first. Sometimes parents pick their favorite child, give them more attention, which is wrong, but it doesn't mean they are bad parents," Kabir was trying to calm her troubled mind.

"What if parents completely ignore their biological child so they can be impartial with the adopted child?" Amaira said in madness.

"What do you mean?" Kabir reassured her, gently patting her shoulder.

"Why doesn't she think about me first when I'm her own daughter and not Ishita di? When she came to her senses today, why did she ask about Di first, not me? Why does she behave stepmotherly towards me? Why?" Amaira was shouting loudly, and Kabir was shocked.


"Hmm. When she opened her eyes, she looked around. I was sitting right in front of her. She didn't even smile when she saw me. Instead, she started asking about Di. Why? Because I'm her daughter and Di is her responsibility?"

Sorry for the delay but I was not well. Now hopefully I will update regularly. And I will definitely update the next chapter today, if you vote this chapter for more than fifty.


Hey Readers, that's it for today. Hope you all like it. Please vote for my efforts. Thank you and love you all.

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