Chapter 16 💕 Started feeling for

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"I always used to tell my friends that my mom is friends with your mom, and I met you in childhood. So, they always kept asking me to know the inside scoop because I used to visit here mostly with mom and Di, so I easily got to know the news," she revealed while speaking, also disclosing this secret.

"Really? You stalker. I can't believe it. Why don't I remember any of this? I mean, I can't remember ever meeting you after your dad's death. It's been ten years since then," Kabir said, astonished since Amaira's revelation.

"Actually, whenever I came here, by chance, you were not at home. Sometimes you were out of the country, and sometimes at the office. I saw you once or twice, but you didn't notice me or probably didn't think it was necessary to pay attention to me. By the way, Sumitra aunty used to keep me updated with all the gossip about you and her. And after her passing, you seemed to be lost in yourself and distanced yourself from everyone, so you probably never noticed me," she replied.

"Fair enough. I was pretty lost after she passed away. But does that mean you're a cunning fox? Should I be wary of you now?" Kabir joked.

"Yes, absolutely, if you want to. I was new to college at that time and just wanted to impress everyone. I wanted to be popular by breaking fresh and the latest news," Amaira said, laughing, and Kabir also chuckled upon hearing this.

"She was very lovely. I met her once when she came here to meet Sumitra aunty, and you weren't home at that time. I even asked her for her autograph. She was very humble with me. I didn't know that such a big movie star could also be so humble. It's no surprise how much you love her. And still do. She deserved it," Amaira expressed.

"Okay. So, spreading news about me in your college made you popular, and now what? Now that we're married, right?" Kabir asked. He was struggling to control his emotions, trying hard to keep his pain from showing on his face.

"They're jealous of me now. Nobody talks to me anymore," Amaira replied, sounding upset.

"What? Why?"

"A few days before your wedding date, Mahima announced that she would gift her wedding lehenga to the lucky winner. When you and she were going to attend that event. And whatever profit that event made was going to charity," she reminded him.

"Yeah, she did. So?"

"All my friends wanted to participate in that event. In the hope that they might get the lehenga, in the hope that they would get a chance to meet you and her. I never wanted it. And then I got her wedding, her groom. Both of which I never wanted. And they think that I took advantage of Mahima's death and our relationship with your family and reached here. They think that somewhere I betrayed them. Whereas, I don't even know what my mistake is."

"But that's not true. You didn't use anyone. Did you ever try to talk to your friends?" Kabir was starting to feel bad for Amaira.

"What would I tell them? That this is just an agreement? Obviously, I can't do that. Life teaches us a lot. And I have learned that I will never be jealous of such a person who has something that can never be mine because I don't know what they lost to gain it," Amaira said, and Kabir started to feel bad for her, who had lost so much and sacrificed a lot for her family without anyone noticing. And she felt like she had lost a lot because there was evidence in front of her.


"Di, can you lend me some money?"

"Of course. I'm sorry, I completely forgot to transfer money to your account. Because of this long honeymoon. I'll do it today itself. So, how have you been managing these days?"

Just a few days ago, Ishan and Ishita had returned from their month-long honeymoon. And after returning, they seemed even happier. Amaira was also happy to see her sister happy in her life. After marriage, their love for each other had increased and deepened.

"No problem. I had some money in my account. And I was waiting for payment from the orphanage as well. But this month, we had to arrange a medical camp for the children of the orphanage. And Mr. Banerjee left without giving money to anyone."

"No problem. I had to transfer your amount anyway. In fact, I'll do it right away." Ishita started transferring money from her phone. "And, it's done. If you need more, let me know. Okay. You should have reminded me earlier, when I came back."

"Thank you, Di. I have a little, but I needed a little more because I had to buy a gift for Mr. Mehra. He always uses expensive things, and I was running low on money. So, I started waiting for the money from the orphanage. And now they are not coming this month, so I had to ask you. He gave me those beautiful diamond earrings on our one-month anniversary, and I didn't give him anything. And look, it's been two months since our wedding."

"That's sweet! I'm so happy that you both are trying to make each other happy. And do me a favor. Take my credit card for today. If you're buying something for them, use it."

"No, Di. I think this is enough. But if I need more, I'll ask you."

"Okay. I'm getting late for the office. Where's my lunchbox? You know, everyone keeps asking me about you. Sometimes I feel like they're not my friends but yours."

"Really? I'll say hi to them."

"Hi won't cut it. They're demanding your special potato parathas."

"Oh! Okay, I'll make them right away. While you go and have breakfast, I'll pack potato parathas for you." Amaira pushed her sister Ishita towards the dining area as she said.

Kabir, who had been listening to both sisters, was a bit confused. He couldn't understand what he was feeling. Amaira hadn't given him a gift because she didn't have money to buy branded expensive gifts.

"I was just joking when I asked her for a gift back then. Why does she always get so serious about everything? And why didn't she ask me when she needed money? Why did she ask Ishita?" Kabir pondered to himself.

"Whatever it is between us, it's like our agreement, so that both our families stay happy. Nothing more."

"Spending money is not a big deal for you. But for me, it's a big burden."

"But when I said yes to marriage, I knew very well that I would never impose myself on you."

"I don't wear jewelry without reason that actually doesn't belongs to me. That I don't have a right to."

"All that is for your wife, not for me. I remember very well that we are just pretending to be a couple."

"Of course. Why would she ask me for anything? We're just pretending to be a couple." Kabir said to himself. He started feeling bad, but he didn't know why.

"But she works at two places. Not just one. So why did she need to ask Ishita for money? Why have I never asked her what she's been doing for the past two months?" Kabir thought as he walked towards the dining area.

He could see that Amaira was still in the kitchen, and making parathas for Ishita as she had been asked. He became annoyed, no, he became angry, at everyone in his family because they were all sitting there having breakfast while Amaira was cooking in the kitchen.

"Try this carrot halwa. My mom made it specially for me." Ishita was serving everyone the special carrot halwa made by her mom, which she had brought from her parents' house.

"Where did this come from?" Indrajit asked.

"I went to my house last night. She made it for me, so I brought it here. It's my favorite, and my mom knows, so whenever she gets time, she keeps making it for me." Ishita replied.

"Amaira." Kabir called out to his wife as she emerged from the kitchen.

"Yes," Amaira replied as she came out of the kitchen.


Hey Readers, that's it for today. Hope you all like it. Please vote for my efforts. Thank you and love you all.

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