Chapter 10 💕 Hope

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"Yes. What? Wedding gift?" Ishan asked, his eyes filled with suspicion. "Don't tell me you didn't buy anything for our bhabhi because I reminded you several times, and even when I was going to buy a gift for Ishita, I reminded you then too." Then looking towards Ishita, he continued, "By the way, Ishita, show your ring that I got for you."

_"So why were you saying all that? To make me feel guilty?"_

_"No. Just talking in a way that will help you tomorrow."_



"Oh, so that's why you were saying all that last night. Couldn't you just say it straightforwardly so I could prepare for it now?" Kabir muttered to himself, recalling last night's conversation.

"Now don't try to blame me at all for not giving you a hint. It's not my fault that you're clueless and couldn't understand what I was saying, even though I clearly said it would help you tomorrow." Amaira replied to Kabir in her mind. She was sure Kabir must be fretting about it internally.

"Did you forget to bring a gift for your wedding night, Kabir? How do you run such a big company if you can't remember such small things?" Sumitra ji scolded her son Kabir.

"Uhh... Mom... I..."

"I've got one, Auntie. I've got a very shiny and heavy necklace for myself. Something I've never worn in my life. So I told him to return it and bring something sophisticated and simple," Amaira said, taking control of the situation.

_"Sophisticated and simple. My foot. At least you're definitely not that,"_ Kabir started talking to himself again, remembering his bright pink pajamas.

_"If you dare say anything about my pink pajamas,"_ Amaira also said back in her mind.

"Bhaiya always does things on a large scale. Heavy necklace, oh yeah!" Ishan teased Kabir, unable to digest that Kabir could bring something for Amaira.

"What is this, Kabir? You didn't even ask for her choice before buying? You've ruined her wedding night surprise," Sumitra ji said, glaring at her son.

Kabir was still sitting, trying to understand what was happening. His own mom scolds him for not asking Amaira's choice. _"So you've turned my mom against me, all in one day. Wow!"_

_"Hmm. This is just the beginning. Watch how I slowly break down your pointless stubbornness and arrogance,"_ Amaira said to herself, smiling outwardly.

"I'll be more careful from now on, Mom. For now, I've told her to buy something for herself. Why don't you all go shopping? You, Amaira, and Ishita. Please, all of you buy something for yourselves. From me, for all the ladies in the house. What do you say?" Kabir quickly changed the subject.

"That's a very good idea you said. But this is Amaira's wedding gift we're talking about," Sumitra ji still felt upset.

"Yeah, that's right. So you do this, take two gifts for Amaira and just one for yourself and Ishita. After all, what do they say, wife comes first," Kabir said with a mischievous smile, and Amaira was burning inside.

"Hmm. That's right. So we'll go shopping today," Sumitra ji was pleased. Suddenly she started feeling proud of her son.

"Great. So now you guys talk, I'm heading to the office. I need to reach there as soon as possible," Kabir said, getting up from his chair.

"What is this, Kabir? You just got married yesterday. You said you wouldn't work during the wedding," Sumitra ji exclaimed.

"Yes, Mom, I did say that. And according to my promise, I stayed away from my office throughout the wedding. But the truth is, I can't stay away any longer. After all, I also have to bear the heavy bill from your shopping that you're going to hand over to me this evening," Kabir said with a charming smile, and his mom almost melted at his enchanting smile. "And besides, I also have to pay for someone else's month-long honeymoon," Kabir commented on his brother Ishan, who completely ignored him.

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