Chapter 11 💕 Argument

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"Dear, where are you going alone?"

"Uncle, uh... um..."

"You're going to your mom's house, right?"

"Yes, uncle."

"Kabir! Where is Kabir? Isn't he coming with you?"

"He's in the bathroom. I thought I'd go first, and he'll join later."

"This is the first time you're going to your maternal home after marriage. You shouldn't go alone, Kabir should go too. Did he refuse?"

"No. It's not like that. I... I'll go inside now. I'll take him along."

"Hmm! Sumitra and I are going to a friend's house for dinner in a while. We'll be late coming back. You go with Kabir. Okay. I have no objections from my side, dear. There are some rituals that should be completed at the right time. And besides, your mom will be happy if Kabir comes with you."

"Yes, okay."

Amaira went back to her room.

*"I wonder what I will do to this boy."* Thinking this, Indrajit sat on the sofa and started waiting for his wife.

Amaira returned to her room. Kabir, standing in front of the mirror, combing his hair, was watching Amaira enter through the reflection. "You didn't go," Kabir asked.

"No, I didn't go. I just came to ask if I'm trying to trap you? And why would I do that? I was just asking you to come with me to mom's house. What's the big deal in that? Have I ever asked you for anything in these two weeks? I don't even expect anything from you. I just want our family to believe that we are a good couple and are happy with each other. Why is it so difficult for you to do this in front of my mom?"

Kabir didn't say anything and remained silent. After a few moments of silence, Amaira said, "I'm still waiting for your answer."

"Because she is the one who is responsible for all these things. Responsible for being here with you. My responsibility to give you the place of that person who was meant for greatness. Only she is responsible for all this. I am doing everything possible to make sure that no one doubts that I don't want you here. Instead she should have been here. In my room, in my house, as my wife. And even when she left me, I was very happy with my life. I didn't want anyone to come into my life and take her place, but you did that. You came into my house, into my life, as if all of that was yours. You use my room as if it's yours, you talk to my parents as if they are yours. You laugh with them, talk to them, do things to make them happy, even though those were not your responsibilities, you weren't the one supposed to do all that. It was all her's. And when I see you doing all this, I remember that this is not right. You can never be a part of my life. But still, you're here. I cringe watching you act like the happy husband. And all this has happened only because of your mom."

"Your turn is over. Well, thanks for letting me know what you think. I'm sorry that my mom is the reason for your troubles and my presence in your life. And now I have an answer for this too, I will never ask you to meet her again. I thought you had also started to understand her as your family. But I was wrong. I'll just say this much, that I'm also very angry with you. I can be angry with your brother too, who was hiding behind you and didn't support my sister. All this could have been avoided if he hadn't refused for the marriage, and that was also because of you. But I never said anything to him, I never felt he was wrong. Whatever he did, he did it for his love, for you. And when you do something for your loved ones, you can't be a victim, like you are now. I'm not happy with this marriage either, with a person who understands me less than a burden. But still, I can't blame anyone, because I chose this life myself. I married you by my own choice. No one forced me. So, I don't think it's right for me to vent my anger on them. Even if I hated you, I wouldn't behave like you do with my family. I'll just say this to all, that you are in very important meeting, and that's why you can't come." Amaira left Kabir in guilt and walked out of the room.


"I know you said that I'm wrong."

"But what should I do? That girl is trying to take your place. And I can't let her do that. Yes, I'm wrong. But I'm trying to make it right. Isn't her mom responsible for all this mess?"

"Okay. I agree Ishan is also responsible. He made me helpless and forced me to marry. But he's only responsible for all this."

"Okay. Okay. You won't support me at all. You never support me when I'm wrong. But you know how much I love you. I just want to be with you, only you. And when I see her in my room, sleeping on the same bed, breathing the same air as me, it makes me very angry. She should never have been here. Why did she came into my life and take your place? Why? I won't let her do this so easily. I will never let her take your place."

"Now why don't you tell me what I should do? I know it's not her fault. In fact, she's very brave. I have you. She has no one, and still, she agreed to marry me, knowing I'll never love her. But she can't melt me with her sad story. I didn't force her. She did this for her sister on her own."

"Mom thinks she makes me smile. That's not true. How can I smile the way you used to make me laugh? Mom just pities her. But yes, she takes care of everyone at home very well. I thought she was an immature girl, but she's very smart. But why do you want me to talk about her?"

"Okay. I'm leaving. You always make me do things I don't want to do. That's not fair. Bye. Love you Mahima!"

Kabir placed the bouquet of roses he brought with him on Mahima's grave. With a heavy and sorrowful heart as always, Kabir stood up. Kabir was barely holding back tears. Still, a stream managed to escape his eyes. Before his dam of emotions could break, he quickly left.


"Why didn't Kabir come with you guys?" Namita ji asked Ishita.

"He had an important meeting."

"But he should have come for this ritual. It's not good that he sent Amaira here alone."

"But I'm here, Auntie. Your biggest son-in-law. Aren't you happy about it?" Ishan asked jokingly.

"Of course, I'm very happy. But I would be even happier if he were here too. And why is Amaira sneaking into the kitchen for so long, when I said I would cook? This girl never listens to me. She's not even letting me enter the kitchen," Namita ji said, scolding her daughter.

"She enjoys cooking, Mom. I don't know what she finds fun in it. Thank God, I never learned to cook," Ishita said with a smile.

"Because I'm here, right, your cook for life," Ishan said, making Ishita blush. Just then, the doorbell rang. Namita ji opened the door and was shocked to see the person standing in front of her.



Hey Readers, that's it for today. Hope you all like it. Please vote for my efforts. Thank you and love you all.

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