Chapter 14 💕 Surprise Gift

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"So you must also know that you're an outsider to them. And they won't let you in at all. And this money won't be of any use to you either."

"Yes, I know. I wish I were like them. I would stay there and how much peace and tranquility I would find there," Amaira said, lost in her dreams. Her eyes were twinkling again.

"But there are so many other islands where you can go, where you will find peace," Kabir suggested.

"Well, then you have no problem if I give you a divorce and take half the money and leave," Amaira asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No. I meant celebrating holidays on some island. When did I say I'm giving you half my money?" Kabir took a step forward and asked.

"You didn't say," Amaira also took a step back.

"No," Kabir said with a smile. He leaned against the wall with both hands. And Amaira was trapped between his two arms. But they weren't so close; Kabir maintained a little distance.

"Why?" Amaira's breath was getting heavy. Suddenly she began to feel a lack of air.

"Because, as you said a while ago, I'm not planning to give you a divorce either. We had discussed this in our first meeting that we won't divorce each other. Now we're stuck together for life. Now why not adopt a child," Kabir said in a playful tone. He was enjoying seeing Amaira's discomfort.

"Why? Now don't tell me suddenly you've fallen in love with me and now you don't want me to leave, or is it that you don't want to give me half of your money?" Amaira asked. Her anxiety was increasing even more from Kabir's proximity.

"Do you want to know the truth?" Kabir suddenly asked seriously.


"I don't want you to leave because my family is very happy because of you. I may be acting selfish right now, but I can't take away their happiness, I can't see them sad because they love you a lot. My mom wants me to always keep you happy. I don't think she ever said that to you. She really loves you. And that's why I can't let you go."

"By the way, the money is all yours, Mrs. Mehra," Kabir said after a while, whispering to Amaira. He was now leaning a little towards her, and Amaira couldn't do anything but look at him.

"Just... just stay away from me. And let me go. Leave me," she started stuttering.

"But I haven't caught you," Kabir said with a smile.

When Amaira looked up, Kabir was standing in front of her with his hands tied, and she didn't understand how to react.

"Don't you dare try this again, Mr. Mehra," she said, pushing Kabir lightly and heading towards the door.

"This room is yours too, kiddo," Kabir shouted in a hurried voice as Amaira went in a fluster. "And you tell me when to book tickets for your vacation."

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