Chapter 22 💕 Is she fine

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That Conversation Day made Kabir realize a lot. He wanted Amaira to always be near him, and he wanted to be near her too. He knew he didn't need to introduce himself to Amaira's friends, but still, he did. Perhaps because he wanted people to see him with her. He liked it when he introduced her as his wife in front of everyone. And he felt proud when Amaira called him her husband in front of everyone.

But he knew it was only temporary, he wanted to ignore all this. He felt like he was betraying mahima by doing so. So, he started getting angry with himself for wanting to be happy with Amaira. He wanted to stay away from Amaira, but whenever she was around, he forgot everything. He started enjoying talking to her. He started enjoying laughing with her. He started liking looking at her. And he was starting to hate all of it.

On the day he met Gaurav , he felt like Amaira had an option, but she chose to give up. He also felt that if Amaira were given a chance, maybe she could find her happiness again. But is he strong enough to let her go? Will he slip back into the same indifference that Amaira had tried to distance herself from with her efforts? He was sure he didn't love her. No. He didn't love her. It was just a passing fancy. She had been staying with him in the same room for the past six months. She was a very nice girl. She brought smiles to everyone's faces with her innocence. And she was so smart that even his parents weren't as smart as her. She was an all-rounder, even more than him. And this meant that anyone who encountered her became captivated by her presence. His feelings weren't serious. So what should he do now? Even if he wanted Amaira to stay here with him, for him, with his family, would Amaira give their relationship a chance?

Relationship? Where did that come from? I don't want any relationship with her except the one we already have. An agreement. And besides, she's not even interested in me. She just sees me as her friend. And nothing else. Besides, we're not compatible with each other. She's too young. She shouldn't even be my wife.

Kabir was very confused about what he should do now. He wanted to see Amaira happy, but he also didn't know if he could let her go, if it came to that. And he would have to think about the family too. If he tells her to leave for her happiness, would she hurt the family? And if he doesn't let her go from this loveless relationship, knowing that her happiness lies elsewhere, then on what grounds would he keep her with him? And could he give her happiness? Is he right to keep her with him when he won't be able to give her any happiness, love, or children?

I can't.

Because of all these things, Kabir was feeling both anxious and irritated. So, when Amaira came to his room in the morning to take him for breakfast, he yelled at her without any reason, which made Amaira quietly leave the room. After that, Kabir left for the office, and Amaira went shopping with her mother-in-law. Now, sitting in the office, Kabir was feeling very bad because he knew he had done wrong. He wanted to apologize to her but at the same time, he was also thinking that this would create a distance between them. She had come very close to him, which Kabir didn't want to encourage. So, he put his phone in the drawer and went for an important meeting. This kept him busy all day and relieved him of his thoughts.

A few hours later, when Kabir returned to his cabin, he checked his phone which had several missed calls from his family. The first missed call was from Amaira, just once. Kabir immediately called Amaira back, but her phone was not reachable. Before he could call another family member, his attention was caught by a message. It was a bank transaction message, the transaction made by Amaira. Since they had a joint account, any transaction message would also come to Kabir's inbox. Kabir started to panic because the transaction was made at the hospital. He started praying for Amaira's safety and was about to call the second number when his phone rang.

"Where are you, bhai? I've been calling you since noon," Ishan shouted from the other side.

"Is Amaira okay?" Kabir asked in panic.

"Amaira? Yeah, she's fine now. She was very worried earlier, but she's fine now. Anyway, her mom had a heart attack today and she's in the hospital right now. Luckily, Bhabhi had gone to see her and she found her unconscious. We've called you many times but you didn't pick up. Ishita is in Malaysia for her conference, so she'll be back only by tomorrow morning," Ishan explained everything, calming Kabir down a bit.

"Thank God."

"What? What are you saying? Auntie is in the hospital, and you're saying 'Thank God'?" Ishan asked.

"Yeah. I mean, Oh God. I hope she gets well soon. Which hospital is she in? I'm leaving right now," Kabir said.


"Bhai, what is this? Don't make a joke of yourself in front of everyone. Come inside. What's the point of sitting in the car in the parking lot?"

"Everyone is inside, Ishan. What will I do there? Tell Amaira that I'm waiting for her outside whenever she wants to leave," Kabir said to Ishan on the phone. He was sitting in the car in the hospital parking lot.

"What will everyone think? And what will Bhabhi think of you if you don't come inside now?" Ishan was trying to convince him.

"She understands. Tell her I'm outside, she can come outside when she needs me," Kabir replied firmly.

"She refused to come home. She said she'll stay with Auntie tonight," Ishan said.

"It's okay. I'm just waiting outside," Kabir replied firmly.

"Okay, I'll try to convince her to come home tonight. She can come back tomorrow morning," Ishan said and hung up.

Kabir was still sitting in the car for a while. He was feeling a little scared and hesitant to go inside. His mind was telling him to go inside, hold her hand, and tell her that her mom will be fine soon. His mind was just telling him whether he should go inside or not when the door of his car opened, and Amaira came in and sat down.

"Amaira, I... I'm sorry. I couldn't come inside. Does Auntie need anything?" Kabir started stuttering continuously.

"No. You don't need to apologize. You weren't needed inside. Just like I wasn't." Amaira said without any emotion. And Kabir started thinking about what happened inside, why Amaira said that.

"Is... is Auntie okay now?"

"But why didn't you come inside?" Amaira ignored Kabir's question and asked another question.

"I thought Ishan was already inside. If Auntie needed anything, he would take care of it," Kabir said without looking into Amaira's eyes. Because in it, Amaira was better, she could understand from his eyes whether Kabir was telling the truth or lying.


Hey Readers, that's it for today. Hope you all like it. Please vote for my efforts. Thank you and love you all.

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